Did you have a feeling.....?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2006
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in the days leading up to it that you would go into labour?

The last few days I've been beside myself. A complete hormonal gibbering wreck and uncomfortable. I've had no obvious signs like cramps or a show, but the way I feel I really don't feel like it's going to be long now.

Did anyone else feel like this and were your suspicions right?
Funnily Enough I Was On Here Asking If People Noticed They Got a Temper The Week Before Birth... and My Baby Was Going Absolutely Crazy. Then a Few Days Later I Went Into Labour Lol
That's very interesting, because for the past 3-4 days my baby has been so active and then today, really quiet. I still feel her move but only little finger wriggles etc. nothing as obvious as usual.

I've been feeling so irritable and exhausted and tearful these past couple of days and today, I can't quite put my finger on it but I just don't feel right. I feel a bit cold and shivery, nauseous and really tired. Like I'm coming down with something and a bit down. I'm already getting over a cold so I'm not actually coming down with anything that I know of.

Inside I feel like this is happening for a reason, if that makes sense. I wonder if I'm right :think:
yes, i did (although i did give birth on my due date so was kinda expecting things to happen anyway coz of the date!)

friday morning - had a "feeling" things were gonna happen soon
friday evening - effacing pains
saturday - restless and very emotional
sat nite/sunday morning - contractions started

but yeah, the first sign was on friday morning i just kinda knew even before the effacing pains.
I didn't suspect a thing! I had serious leakage (which turned out to be my show but the midwife said it was nothing!). I thought I would be 2 weeks overdue and I was 3 weeks early!!
What do effacing pains feel like? Are they the sharp cervical twinges?
i had the oppisite i absoluty knew i wasnt going to go into labour 9 days overdue i was walking around town and i just knew nothing was going to happen the next day (monday) i went in for my induction and and on the wednesday she was born by emergency c section as after 40 hours i was still only 2 cm and her heart rate was dropping and even to this day she is still lazy. :roll:
I woke up in the morning and had a strange feeling that something was going to happen that day. I even said to my partner that i felt strange. I had no pains but was extremely hungry and just sensed something was different. Then at 11am i had my first contraction!! Very weird :shock:


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