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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Hi all,

I am just four weeks pregnant, this is my first post in tri 1!
Just wanted to know if any of you had or have backache early on? I was pregnant with my son 10 years ago so I really can't remember.
Its like a dull, heavy ache...do you think its normal? x

I had that really early. I thought it was really odd, to have it so early. Stayed for about a month, just the odd boggle now.

Other side though, is a few folk told me that it could be a sign of a uti, so maybe worth checking.
I had the same hunni could be normal or like l_maclean says could be a UTI im just finishing anti biotics for one, didnt know i had it either! xxx
I'm 5w+2 and I still have it. To me it feels like a souped up version of the back pain I usually get with AF.
Yep I have it by night time it really aches at the bottom!
I've had back pain on and off since I found out.
could be your ligaments stretching early on as i had backache with my 1st child. But again like the rest of the ladies say it could be a UTI even if you have no other symptoms. Check with doctor x
I've got it took and doctor just rang Friday to say I have a UTI and have to have antibiotics xxxx
Thanks to all of you, u have put my mind at ease. I am going for my first GP app on tues so will ask him to check for UTI
. Thanks again ladies xx

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