Did anyone experience this?

I agree this forum is great - and sometimes it just helps to talk esp with lots of other people who are going through the same or similar things as you.

Glad you feeling a little better - good luck for sunday
Hi Chica, I really feel fo you at the moment. My first was unplanned , and I went through almost the same thought process. The first thing I remember doing when I told my partner was getting out the calculator which is sad.

In the end I just thought , ok so it's happened , it's not when I wanted, but lets go with it for a bit. As the pregnancy rolled on, I really did start feeling more positive and excited so I am sure things will settle down for you soon, especially when you get out of the nasty first trimester.

If it helps I had number 2 and 3 kids within 13 mths of each other and number 1 was only approching age of 3 , and as it turns out , it was probably the best thing, what you lack in time with 2 , it is made up in their brotherly/sisterly bond and playmate to grow up with - great. And when the baby is small, you actually overcompensate and the older one gets loads of attention, time and love.

Wishing you well - JJ
i was just about to say what JJ just said. since i had ella, i'v spent so much more time with katie, you dont take them for granted like you can do with just ine iykwim? hope the san goes well xx
Thanks girls ... just to update couldn't get to my scan because of snow. So now i have to wait my normal 12 week scan with the pregnancy centre.... grrrrrrr i was wanting to know now today!
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Well i had my scan today and everything was great... i must admit it wasnt the same feeling i had with my son... i was in shock thinking now its feel real and its as it just seems two minutes ago i was there looking at the screen for my son.

Anyway it was a nice feeling to see everything good.

When i came in from work tonight, i did have a little cry hormones i think... i think all the emotions of the day plus a hard day at work finally set me off.

I just hope that the sickness goes soon and i am praying that i dont cry so much.lol!

Everyone else who is waiting scans at moment.. Good Luck x
Pleased your scan went well hun, shouldn't worry too much about the crying theres no stopping me at the mo, well inbetween biting my OH head off!
Hi hun, I've only just seen this message and I'm glad you are starting to feel better about things :hug:

Remember all pregnancies are different hun so try not to worry about it to much and try to enjoy it and hopefully things will seem alot better for you:)

All the best and hopefully speak to you again soon

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