did more reading up on the cause of my m/c


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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now that I am over it more, I felt I could read up more about the condition that caused my m/c - to see the causes and any known preventions...as worried it would occur again if i get pregnant again!

Anyway, I had a severe cough that was making me cough violently constantly just after I got my bfp - and I was worried then that it would cause problems with the pregnancy - and from reading up it sounds like it has done for many women! can't believe a cough can cause you to haemorrage in your uterus during pregnancy!:shock: It took 2 lots of anti-biotics to clear it, but by that time I had already had the m/c!

I am now in my 2ww and have a sore throat and stuffy nose and will be so paranoid that I am pregnant again and will get the cough:wall2:

i resent having to spend the first so many weeks of my next pregnancy on knicker watch:mad:
It's a minefield isn't it I have read and read till I have had square eyes there are so many reasons why this happens and most the time we don't get to find out why just un explained and bad luck :-/ never heard of a cough causing one though that's a new one xx
You could drive yourself mad if you researched every little possible reason behind your loss. I blamed everything - sex (i started spotting after it), the fact I'd had alcohol before I knew I was pregnant, even though I stopped after I missed my period, I thought it must've been something I had done. I still live with an amount of guilt, as it was MY body that rejected my babies, I feel that I failed at something I should be able to do naturally. It's perfectly normal to want a reason tho.

You will sadly, never truly know what caused your loss, so although it's brill that you're in the frame of mind where you can look into things a little deeper, please don't stress too much :hugs: I know as well as you do that's hard to put into practice though.

Really hope your 2ww turns into a h&h 9 months hun, massive hugs

The hospital diagnosed 'subchorionic haemorrage' - as the cause of my m/c. which is a bleed between the sac/placenta and uterus wall - and this can be caused by poor implantation or over exertion or trauma - and lots of people reported severe coughs as somthing that occured just before their bleeding started.

i guess I will never know for sure, but at least it was a freak thing and not something that will necessarily reoccur!
I had a subchorionic haemorrage which caused me to miscarry one twin and then go into preterm labour at 18 weeks and eventually deliver at 18+2.
They believe mine was down to the fact I suffered from HG and the excessive vomiting pulling at my stomach muscles etc.
However in pregnancies since then there has been no signs of bleeds, the losses were just unfortunate, but I was given anti sickness medication from bfp to attempt to prevent excessive vomiting and early scans to check, and had they continued I would have been monitored closely throughout.
I fully believe/hope that I shouldn't suffer from another subchorionic haemorrage it just sucks it had to happen in the first place
I hope you get your sticky bfp soon and that you have a problem free pregnancy xxx
you too - your experience sounds very traumatic.
I gave up Caffine, marmite (too much salt) (not gone back to either , it's been 2.5 years now!)and even emailed my new deoderant company after my 12 weeek mmc - I actually now believe strongly that it was a chromosone issue and really wasn't a viable pregnancy, due to being at the later stages of tri1 where major development of organs happen and also because I fell preg on the next proper cycle and then at 14 weeks had strong blood markers giving me a 1 in 9 chromosone issue risk.. (think they were left over from mmc).

I want 3- Well when you get your bfp, you will be straight to the docs if you get chesty again, and then at least you will feel in control of that issue X
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Funney you should say that iwant3 as from about 5 dpo i had a annoying tickley cough and was coughing quiet hard to get rid of the tickle was defiantly pulling my stomach coughing! Anyways who nows just thought id ad that!x
I get so shocked when I read things like this :( Miscarrying due to coughing, I just don't understand the human body sometimes! Especially after watching programmes like 'I didn't know I was pregnant'! Hearing of women drinking and smoking through pregnancy, playing rugby and boxing, no prenatal care etc, and mother and baby are fine, it makes me wonder it really does :(

Hugs xx
although there is also the saying that 'you can't shake a GOOD pregnancy, and can't keep a BAD one!' so it may have happened regardless if I coughed like a mad thing or not :( if it hadn't been the cough that started the bleeding then something else would have I suppose.
With my first MC I was asked to step down at work (long story) a week before I actually had the MC. The second one I had my first lot of spotting 2hrs after I got off a plane that felt really funny when it took off. My ears hurt for most of the ride. I have no idea what caused them and I guess I will never know. I've been really sick with a bad cough to the extent of wetting myself the past 4 weeks so far the baby is OK but I do worry.

I really hope you get your sticky bean very soon.
I want 3- Well when you get your bfp, you will be straight to the docs if you get chesty again, and then at least you will feel in control of that issue X

i went to the docs when i had the cough for just over a week when it was getting worse and I was coughing up thick green with red streaks in! that was when I was 5 weeks preg - I was still coughing to an extent just before I m/c at 7weeks when I was on my 2nd set of anti-b!
Hiya, I've blamed every little thing and looked into to everything for the cause of my two. My doctor said I wil probably never know.
I wish there was a real way of knowing exactly why, because if it ever is something like that, surely it would be treated immediately! Problem is, the NHS see it as that "miscarriages happen" and won't prevent them from happening. I know they do happen but it would do us ladies the world of good to just know the one the thing we don't - why!
That said, I am going to the doc tomorrow for an overall health check and a geneticist on Monday, so I am trying!
Iwant3 - how far into your wait are you? About the same as me I think? Xxx
i am 7dpo today - not feeling very hopeful though:(
I'm about 5dpo and not feeling hopeful either! Back to the original subject, I took myself off to the doc this morning (8:30am appt, it was freeeeeezing out!) and had swabs for every infection going and also a wee test. I thought I may as well despite the fact I have the recurrent miscarriage clinic next week. I wasn't sure what they did so I wanted to rule it out. The wee sample was fine so a UTI wasn't the cause. One cause down, eight million to go :-/ xxx
you may never know, but at least you can feel you are doing something positive to try to either come to terms with what happened or if it's something that can be treated to prevent another. good luck at the clinic next week :)

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