Did Midwife put foot in it?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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I went for a routine midwife appointment today and she put doppler on to hear heartbeat!

when she found it, she said " oh theres your little chappie"

i was like.... HMM?????

then she said... "do you know what it is?"
i said, "no but im convinced its a boy!"

Do you think she knows what it is?
coz i think shes just put her foot in it !!! :doh:
I read a post somewhere that said that if you're having a boy the heartbeat sounds like a train and if its a girl.. more like a galloping horse.

Personally i dont believe you can tell the sex from just the heartbeat but it's good fun guessing :cheer:
My mw always said "oh, here HE goes" and we knew Arianna was a girl, so I wouldnt worry too much
For the first 20 weeks my midwife said the baby was aboy due to the heart beat and now she his saying it is a girl! Either my baby is confussed or the midwife is going by the old wives tale! I would rather think that she is going by the old wives tale!

I don't think tha babies heart beat has anything to do with the sex especially as our babies has changed so much!

I don't think she knows, my midwife always refers to LO as "he" even though we know and she knows we're having a girl.. if anything it's sexist! :-D
Nah I doubt it. My MW always refers to babies as 'he' at my appointments and also at my ante natal classes. She referred to all babies as he.
unless she did your scan i doubt she knows. Nowhere on our notes does it say the sex so doctor and midwife know no more thatn us.

The sex of your baby is not documented anywhere. She would only know (like someone else mentioned) if she had done the scan.

I think they don't want to say 'it' or anything similiar. So, they use she/he....or like yours, chappie!lol
She doesn't know. It's not written in your notes, she didn't see the scan and you can't tell from the heartbeat - it changes according to how much baby is moving, not whether it's a boy or girl.

Referring to baby as 'it' seems a bit harsh to me so I've always referred to LO as 'he' even though we don't know. Your midwife was just using more personal language, not letting anything slip. It's also possible that you may already have spoke about baby as 'he' without realising it and she picked up on this and echoed it.
PHEW! :roll:

Thanx guys.. i was starting to think she'd spoilt the surprise!!

altho, im 90% sure im having a boy anyway! (gut feeling)

thanks guys!! :hug:

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