Development test


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2005
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:wave: Finn has had a letter come today,saying that he is to go for his development test on the 19th - what is this test about,and what do they check??How long does it take??Sorry for the questions,they sound so silly really,but I haven't got anyone else to ask( :cry: )!!!!
i may be wrong hun but i think a development test is just an assesment if it is, they will check his weight length and head measurments,. It wont take any longer than about 15 minutes and they will answer any questions you have (if this is what i think it is but im not sure as i only know it as an assesment ive never been sent for a development test with both adele and colby)

:) So that is like the one that he had at 8 weeks old then - they called it a health review then,I think it was calling it a development test that has got me thinking :think:
Thanks for that!! :D
i could still be wrong though hun but i cant think of anything else it could be :think:
It's just pretty much a health check. They test for certain reflexes and just generally check them over to make sure there are no obvious health problems. They will do weight and length as well. I got some free baby books etc as well and they just give you advice on what stage they're at. Mine just talked to me about finger foods and prodded Aaron around. Checked he passed from one hand to the other and could pull himself up on her fingers. Then she checked pulse points to make sure both sides of his heart were working and looked under his armpits for spots cos it can show diabetes. That was about it really. It's nothing horrible :D

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