Development at 6 months?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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I'm getting a bit worried about Nathan now. I know I'm probally worrying over nothing but I'm sure the girls were doing more when they were 6 months. He seems to be quite average if not a bit advanced physicaly but mentally I'm sure hes a bit slow! He doesn't seem to respond when you call his name and just seems to be in a world of his own. I just wondered how other babies mental development was doing at 6 months?
I don't have a 6month old, but can I just mention my cousins little boy, well, he's just turned 11yrs, he was a little like what you describe, he also didn't talk much and seemed in a world of his own a lot...he's now top of his class and doing well in everything from maths to music :) hope it was OK to mention that, just wanted to give a hug too :hug:
all babies develop differently. the amount of times people have said to me girls do things so much quicker that boys, but i never believed them.

I would mention it to your HV, as it will put your mind at rest having them know about it (that is, if you have a good hv). I recon he is fine, but hearing it from a 'professional' should set your mind at ease :hug: :hug:

(he sounds like every typical male though- living in a world of their own :wink: )
he's a boy, of course they're mentally slower!!!

Sorry, don't want to offend anybody with my humour. :oops: Seriously though, Sam&Alice is right, boys DO develop more slowy..........(and most never catch up either! :rotfl: )

Don't worry, Sam is pretty much the same at almost six months. He seems to avoid eye contact. Sometimes he'll look anywhere except at you, then suddenly he'll 'notice' you're there (right in front of him!!) and smile. It's like he's off on another planet!! My girls never did that.
Sammystar said:
Don't worry, Sam is pretty much the same at almost six months. He seems to avoid eye contact. Sometimes he'll look anywhere except at you, then suddenly he'll 'notice' you're there (right in front of him!!) and smile. It's like he's off on another planet!! My girls never did that.

That sounds exactly like Nathan! I think I will speak to my HV on Friday but thats reassured me a bit. He missed his new born hearing test too which was worrying me a bit. Thanks!
2 of my work collegues had boys around the same time as me (one born same day as Ruby, the other 2 weeks earlier)....both boys are behind Ruby on the development stakes.

Ruby was rolling @ 5 months, She is now crawling, has 2 teeth, is chewing/swallowing and generally is a little whirl wind, she never stops and is constantly on the go. The nursery commented on how advanced she is for her age today....

Both work pals have said how laid back their boys are, not intrested in finger foods, showing no signs of crawling, and are still just starting to roll. I defo think boys are more laid back than girls, chilled out!!! 8) 8)

Enjoy the peace, I am worn out trying to keep up with my little terror :twisted: She is exhausting!!! :rotfl:

:hug: :hug:

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