depression during pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Anyone suffering from this whilst pregnant now? or do you know anyone who had this whilst pregnant?

I have a history of depressive periods. The last being around June 2010. I had some sad news yesterday about an old family friend who committed suicide and I feel it has really knocked me for six. I am so worried I might be heading for a 'deep one' again!

My depression is manageable and I am always on top of things and quick to seek help. It is just much much more frightening this time knowing its not only my health I need to worry about but the wellbeing of my little dot.
First of all - sorry to hear about your loss :hugs:

I think bouts of depression during pregnancy can be normal, just depends on the severity (as it could be antenatal depression).
It's completely normal to feel down during pregnancy, but if you've had depression in the past then you should hopefully be able to recognise the signs if it was to come back, and if it did/does, mention it to your midwife or doctor immediately.

I had depression during my teen years, along with suicidal thoughts and self harm, so I can totally see where you're coming from and understand your worries of it coming back. Sometimes I get so worked up that I feel like mine's coming back, but thankfully I have a very understanding boyfriend who looks after me and makes sure I'm ok and calm afterwards.

If you're ever worried, mention it to your midwife or doctor
Sorry to hear of your loss, it's always a very sad time when you lose someone close to you :( :(

I have been in and out of depression stages throughout my whole pregnancy, especially last year when thing's went total out of my hands with family i'e lots of arguements and falling out.... I try and deal with thing's by myself without resorting to the doctor but there's only so much you can take or handle :(

keep your chin up hun xxx
I have had depression for years on and off untreated but after my son was born it got so bad my partner took me to doctors. SInce then I've been monitored by my doctor, my health visitor and my social worker. I have so much more support than I used to and I am so grateful for it :) x

Don't be afraid to ask for help hunny x
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I've really struggled throughout my pregnancy, suffering most recently from a particularly bad day on Saturday. I dread to think how I will cope once baby is actually here but OH is more aware now so I will most likely get dragged to the doctors by him!
it's worth letting your mw know that u suffer with dep if she doesnt already know.they can be quite supportive and pre-natal dep can be treated with anti-d's if it gets severe plus once baby is born the risk of post natal is a lot higher.
i'll probably ask to go straight on anti'ds once the baby comes.i had really severe pnd after second son was born and i felt i missed enjoying his first couple of months and i dont want that to happen again.
my mw has also refered me to the cpn ( community psychiatric nurse) so i have someone there if im not coping.
i know a lot of people hate needing help but it can really help to have someone to offload on.
I have more of an anxiety disorder than depression but the two are treated similarly I am taking 75mg dothiapin (doselupin) and will continue after baby is here its done wonders.

* tapatalking from my bb *
yay, i often have anxiety of many things what i shouldn't worry about now, but I can't stop thinking about. Is that normal? My friend says I am stressed, yep, this is my first time so I can't keep calm. Now my friends and family often talk and hang out with me, I can control my bad mood and release tensity.
im sorry about your news hun :hugs:

i have had complex mental health issues for years, including depression.
definatley let your MW know, she could maybe get a obstetrician consultant person to see you.

although no anti-d's can be declared 'pregnancy safe' there are some that are known to be better than others.

dont suffer through this alone, get some support :)

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