Depression and pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2016
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Just wondering if anyone could give advice. Anyone been treated for depression through pregnancy? Was it during that it started or continuing treatment? How did you tell the difference between just pregnancy hormones and depression symptoms?

Any answers would be very much appreciated.
Hey maaaaaaac!!

I wasn't treated for depression during my last or this pregnancy but I got postnatal depression last time and apparently depression in pregnancy is very very common. If you think you might be depressed, you must tell your midwife. According to my midwife it is better for the baby if you have to take depression medication than it is for you to suffer it out in pregnancy - apparently babies are born happier, less stressed etc.

So my advice to you would be to tell someone. Hormonal issues are shot lived and you just feel emotional, but none of that horrid sad sinking feeling - that's depression. That's how it was explained to me anyway! Xx
Thanks. Ive been avoiding it to be honest because they (i dont see a mw just a gp) were keen for me to start a low dose at start of pregnancy when i thought i was ok so im sure theyll not hesitate now. The mw i saw at my 12 weeks scan wanted me sent to mental health team but i refused and just wanted gp to oversee it.
Is there any particular reason why you don't want to see the mental health team? I was also offered the mental health team route when I found out I was pregnant but I haven't been depressed in 3 years so I said there was no point in me seeing them because I feel absolutely fine and not depressed at all - Are you dead against going on antidepressants? xx
No not against just trying to hold out for as long as I can. It took me so long to come off high dose medications so I could get pregnant and I don't know, just feel defeated as silly as that sounds, i thought I could do it. Even though I'm usually the one helping to promote good mental health and that medications do have their place when needed, I don't feel the same for myself. Typical cant take my own advice. I had a really bad experience with the mental health team in the past and I was annoyed when midwife referred me with out even letting me know, I found out from GP. They were not very supportive of me going back to work or going off medications I relied heavily on voluntary services to get me through. My GP was very understanding and wants monthly reviews of mental health to keep an eye on how im feeling but I didn't make an appointment in June just dreading it.
I can completely understand the battle you're having with yourself but please know you are not weak if you need some help.. This is such a stressful time and if you are offered any additional support take it.. Don't struggle through by yourself lovely :( Mothers are amazing people but we are not superhuman. Good luck with whatever you decide and make sure you do what feels right for you. I've never liked the thought of medication and thankfully recovered without (though not depression, anorexia..) but I never have and never will judge anyone for taking it or look upon them as defeated and weak. Lots of love xxx
Ahh I see Maaaac that makes sense. Well I think you should book an appointment because they will probably notice you haven't been and want to see you anyway, don't dread it though! If you feel like you can hold out for a while longer before needing more help then go for it but if you need help you have to take it for your own sanity, it is better for you and baby to be level headed xx

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