depo provera link to mc?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2011
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Hey girls, I'm back after a break and hope you are all keeping well. Anyway, I was doing research on the depo provera shot and was wondering about the link between it and misscarriages.

I had the shot September 2010 and was due to have my 2nd shot November 2010 but after having constant bleeding decided not to have it again. I knew it could take months for my periods to return and for my fertility to become 'nornal' again. I think it was February 2011 my periods returned and were a regular 28 day cycle until I fell pregnant in August and miscarried a few weeks ago at 9 weeks (it was a missed miscarriage so fetus stopped growing they reckon about 6 weeks).

So.. I was researching the depo and this seems to be quite common? Either that women have been having mcs or can't conceive at all.

Does anyone have any experiences on this? Xxxx
Not as such, but i came off depo in march. Got pg straight away but it didnt stick. The idea of depo is that it thins the uterus lining to make sure nothing sticks.

It can take a while for the lining to re establish. I had no af for 5 months due to that. Even now i'm bleeding randomly and i'm on my 16th day this month.

I thnk that the fact you have regular cycles is a good thing, it maybe that you're not ovulating properly?

God knows tbh, but depo is an evil drug! I wish i had been properly warned of the after effects cos i'd never of had it!!

See, they never actually seen a fetal pole so they don't know if anything properly developed and stuck if you get me? But my body still though I was pregnant so a sac developed and I still had hormones and symptoms.

I hate it too and wish I never hears about it! I bled and bled when on it and had no bleeding for about 3 months and then periods came bk really heavy at the start but then settled down xxxx
I was on the depo for over a decade. When I stopped it took 6 months for me to get a period but I was regular after that. Got PG 4 months later and am now 26 weeks gone. Did a lot of reading about depo when I was TTC. didn't come across the MC thing. Though I had a couple of weird cycles I'm half convinced I caught but didn't stick.
I also think that depo is at fault for a lot in my case too. I was on it for about 8 years blissfully unaware. I came off it in June 2009 and didnt get an af for a year. Then once my af came back I did get pregnant but had a mc. Im now in the position of my lining is still too thin and Im not getting a proper af so going down the fertility road. Im now infact taking the oposite drug provera to build up my lining.

My sister was also on it as long as me and is now down the fertility road too and 2 friends took over 2 years to get pregnant after depo too. An awful lot of coincidences!!

Ive slowly come to think It has a lot to answer for but it can be argued no.
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i hate the depo jab, it ruined my cycle and made me crazy lol. i think it is too strong if you get me? my mate took 4 years to have her first child after depo and nothing was wrong with her or her fella fertility wise. yucky depo
Ninja and Laura,

My gp told me she was gonna send me for tests too. I think it's still affecting my lining. I heard they can give you eastrogen to help thicken it? Is this what you've been given?

What course of treatment have they reccommended for you guys to sort it?

Oh no :( I only had the 1 shot but I'm terrified iv ruined myself now! Why didn't they tell us this before we had it? Grr I'm so angry, my doc said it was perfectly safe.. Xxxx
I had the depo injections for about a year when I was 18, but got told I wasn't allowed it because of a bone thinning scare (think is has been crossed off the effects list). I then had the implant for 3 years no problems, had another implant in and had nothing but problems for a year before having it taken out an having the copper coil. My cycles went back to normal straight away. So I don't think my mc had anything to do with contraception.

My sister had the depo shots for a long time, and after her last injection it took her 2 and half years to get pregnant and about a year and half to get regular cycles back. In that time she had no mc's though and has a healthy little girl now. Xx
I was on depo for 9 months and had my last injection june 2010. My periods restarted in october but were very light. I had an early mc in feb and when I went for my scan to confirm the mc I was told that my lining was very thin. I spoke to my GP about this as I was concerned about the depo causing the lining to be thin, she reassured me that the thickness of my lining was normal just too thin for a viable pregnancy. Two months later I caught again and I'm now 28weeks gone. I personally do think that the depo played its part in my mc and its something I will never have again as it made me very depressed. x x x
See I thought as my periods had returned back to normal that the depo was all out if my system! Whst exactly is it that the depo is meant to do lol I can't remember? Just wondering because I did actually have a fetus starting to form at some time as I had a 6 week sac which stopped growing around then but I didn't know cos of my missed miscarriage, so I'm thinking maybe it wasn't the depo at fault? Lynette I agree - and it turned me crazy too! its also getting the blame for me piling on the pounds lol xxxx
Hey hun.

The depo acts in 3 ways:

1) to think the lining of your uterus so nothing can stick
2) to prevent ovulation
3) to change your cervical mucus so that its hostile to sperm

Maybe it has nothing to do with the depo/maybe it does. All i know that it all seem very coincidental that ladies who've ben on the depo have alot of fertility problems afterwards.

If you have regular AF, then you must be ovulating, so maybe the lining of your uterus is still slightly thin. Maybe the embryo attached but couldnt get a good supply of nutrients due to that??

It's all mind boggling - but thats what my doc told me in april when i had my chemical.

Hope you get sorted soon, it seems depo has alot to answer for.

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Thank you! I hate depo and I'm blaming it for so much lol. I actually think it may have made me slightly depressed too! Hopefully my body is all back to normal when the time comes to ttc xxxx
If you look at my thread in ttc, you will see what actions my gp is taking to help me regain my cycles.

Maybe worth you asking for some of these tests hun.


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