Deja vu!! **UPDATE**


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Well, it really is happening again isn't it. 8mths TTCIng and nothing so far. Looks like not everyone is "more fertile" after having a baby!

Not feeling too sorry for myself as I have my gorgeous little girl that I'm enjoying so much and we celebrate our first Christmas together in a few weeks but I can't help at feeling a bit of a failure at not being able to produce life naturally.

looking to do ICSI again for the Second time in the new year but it would be so much cheaper if we could have our second one naturally! However, Consultation is booked for January!!

Sometimes I feel guilty for having these feelings when I have a beautiful daughter and other ladies are struggling to have their first. Maybe struggling for 5 years previous is bring up old scars/memories??

Here's to the new year and boy, for me, 2012 has been a fabulous one! ;)


I'll get to the point...I'm late!

Unconfirmed BFP?? There was a line but it was very faint. I'll test again in a few days time, so we shall see. Not getting my hopes up until i get that strong positive.

I do however have all the other signs i had before though apart from AF being 3 days late :-
Sore BB's
So tired
Mild cramps
Pinching feeling in lower tummy
...and loving Rasberry Jelly!

Unbelievable...Is this real? could this be my 'O'Naturelle' BFP?? Only time will tell!!
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Aww ur not a failure at all so don't think that and want to wish u best a luck and hopefully u won't need the fertility treatment again xxx
Aww...I hope you get your second baby soon! We started ttc straight away after our daughter was born (she was 6 weeks) and I've had my period more or leas regularly since then, but no success her either (ttc for 8 months also). Lets hope our little girls can get some siblings soon!

heya hun! me and OH are in the category of unexplained infertility too and we have been trying for 2 years, will be 3 in june, soo i was just wondering whats the icsi is? xx
ICSI is where they catch one sperm and basically force it into the egg in a lab. I had Ivf and icsi done together. I produced 16 eggs and they put 8 of my eggs in a dish with my hubby's sperm and the other 8 were put forward for icsi. We got a phone call in the morning with good news and bad news. The bad news was none of my eggs in the Ivf dish were fertilised. The sperm just kept swimming about not penetrating the eggs? Good news was 4 of my icsi eggs were fertilised, so I had put back and 9 months later I had Emily!

It is still unknown why a healthy couple like ourselves cannot have a baby without help but my Emily is a true Miricle!

I hope you girls get your little Bubba's too xx
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Kerrie Anne - ~I just wanted to wish you lots of luck and hope you don't need to go through ivf again for Emilys sibling, I did IVf this summer, and I think it's amazingly clever when it works , just like you say an expensive way to do it..
OMG exciting news hun, i will be keeping everything crossed this is your bfp xx
What would've been another lovely Christmas present was not meant to be :(

After getting a nice positive and after much excitement I had an early MC yesterday :(

Bit numb but gave my little girl a huge cuddle, thinking what a luck girl I am to have her, then felt much better.

The TTCing journey continues...
What would've been another lovely Christmas present was not meant to be :(

After getting a nice positive and after much excitement I had an early MC yesterday :(

Bit numb but gave my little girl a huge cuddle, thinking what a luck girl I am to have her, then felt much better.

The TTCing journey continues...

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this!!! I hope you get your bfp soon hun! And a sticky one!!


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