

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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MW told me yesterday that my urine sample was very concentrated so I am probably dehydrated. She told me to drink a glass of water an hour! How on earth can I drink that?! I can barely manage to drink half of the reccommended intake (8 glasses a day) but a glass an hour?! Is that even possible?
Either keep sipping or down a glass in one. I do one or the other. I find I can fit in 8 glasses a day that way. Last one is usually with dinner in the evening and then overnight I also have a large glass of water I sip on till the morning.
I agree, small sips. My dad says water makes him gag when he goes to drink a glass....I said pretty much ANY liquid could make you gag if you tried to drink a glass in one go.

I take a 2 litre bottle of water to work with me and take swigs throughout the day - keep it on your desk or next to where you are sitting and by the end of the day most of it will be gone.

you can use things like fruit and vegtables that has water in to to help with the intake it dose count towards fluid

suck on ice cubes (ice lollies too :lol: )and little bit of flavour in a drink makes it go along way so i drink lots of real fruit juices on top of drinking water.

little and often is the best way :D
i once tried drinking the reccomended amount by drinking and reflling a bottle and drinking it through the day it was so boring it was such hard work i gave up after a few day
we keep a cup in the bathroom and i drink half a cup of water every time i go to the loo - its half the reason i go so often. Lol. But it's an easy way for me to remember to drink enough!
It has recently been found that the 8 glasses was mis-information.

Like sarah said, there is water in a lot of foods. Hence why they now say there is no reason to drink 8. Happy days! I do drink a lot of sugar free cordial though...That makes it a lot easier.
The general recommendation is about 1.5 - 2 litres....which can come from either food and or liquid form. Would be difficult to gauge how much came from food but fruit is obviously mainly water in most cases.

L xxx

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