decorating advice


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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in the middle of decorating the nursery... the people that lived in our house before us.. put some really thick wallpaper on the roof of the 2nd bedroom... we stipped most of it off last nite.. but its left a lot of old wallpaper paste on the wall... any idea how to get this off.... (if we paint over it like this the paint will just bubble up...... ???
wash it off with sugar soap or washing up liquid with warm water. DONOT PAINT OVER IT - sorry I had to shout be we decorated paris huge new room and had to scrape the paint off :roll:
we tried washing up liquid when we did our main bedroom and the same thing hapened in there.... when we wet it again after stipping the wallpaper... it just got more sticky... we ended up sanding down the walls.. took ages
i think its to do with the type of paste used bk in the olden days...i would paint over it.. my mum paints her wall paper in teh ahll every year.. its never bubbled..
we have removed the paper.... so its just the sticky bit left...
:S i would get some sugar soap..if you havent already.. and if you have.. perhaps go to a builders merchants and say what the problem is and ask hope to get it off?
I had this problem too, and it was a nightmare.

This is what we did, but our ceilings were previously painted with a silk paint. Don't try it if the ceiling will absorb the water.

We used the rough side of cheap washing up sponges and rubbed cream cleanser onto the ceiling. It came off quite easy although it can get messy.

If all else fails you might have to get the ceiling skimmed or use the textured paint stuff. See what a professional would recommend.

Let us know how you get on. xxx
I'll ask my brother-in-law later for you. He is a painter and decorator by trade :)
thanx very much.. i want my nursery to be purfect.. not blubbly paint

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