*** Decemeber 2015 Mummy & Daddy Thread ***

I feel like I am huge so I am not going out my way to buy loads of tiny baby stuff or newborn. I have a few bits but I just think she is going to be a chunky monkey

I thought that with my lb.... I was measuring 4 weeks ahead from early on, had growth scans and told to expect a whopper.... He was 7lb 10oz! Perfectly average
I feel like I am huge so I am not going out my way to buy loads of tiny baby stuff or newborn. I have a few bits but I just think she is going to be a chunky monkey

I thought that with my lb.... I was measuring 4 weeks ahead from early on, had growth scans and told to expect a whopper.... He was 7lb 10oz! Perfectly average

Did he arrive early?
Yayyyy it is V-day for me :) feels like time is whizzing by now. How is every one? xx
I feel like I am huge so I am not going out my way to buy loads of tiny baby stuff or newborn. I have a few bits but I just think she is going to be a chunky monkey

I thought that with my lb.... I was measuring 4 weeks ahead from early on, had growth scans and told to expect a whopper.... He was 7lb 10oz! Perfectly average

Did he arrive early?

I was induced with spd at 39+2
Hey everyone. Hope your all well

I've just had an appt with the mw at 24+4. She measured bump which was 24cm however according to the scale in my notes this is below the lower line. She then said its ok as they shouldn't start measuring this was till 28 wks. But she wants to see me in two for a further check.

Is everyone else having bump measured from 24wks? Startin to get worried as my Dd was a totally missed low birth weight. I have a growth scan on the 30th sept. Get the feeling it's gonna be a long few weeks!

X x
My bump was measured at 24 weeks and they think I am 3 weeks ahead. Don't worry :)
I am 27weeks & 2 days measuring 29weeks.. they go by scans usually as more accurate xx
WishingHoping, you've just got engaged?!

Congratulations that's fab! xx
I wouldn't worry, so much can depend on how the mw measures as well. Your scan should tell you more. I didn't think they bothered unless you were 2 weeks over or under... xx
Thanks ladies. Glad I have the scans booked in. Mw said if still measuring small she may request its brought forward a week too. The measurement was well below the bottom line so maybe that's why she's concerned.

Congrats on the engagement wishing

X x x
Ahh did you get engaged? Tell all the details xxx congratulations wh! Hope all are well. Times seems to be speeding up. Tomorrow is v day for me. Wow

I really can't decide on mat leave and when to start! X
Yeah on Sunday :)

We went to the cinema & as I sat down watching the trailers a video montage of all my family and his came up telling me how much they love & care about me.. When it finished he led me down the cinema steps and asked me to marry him - when I said yes our families stood up clapping from the seats!!

Omg that is truly awesome! !!!! Congratulations xxxx
Aww wishing that sounds amazing.... What a lovely thing for your oh to do.

Congratulations x
Doing that to a hormonal lady eh? So thoughtful he must have been planning that for ages x
Anyone do that thing of panicking you haven't felt baby move for a bit so start prodding .... Then 5 minutes later really regret the prodding as you are being beaten up?!?! This baby is way more violent than my first!! X x x
Yeah on Sunday :)

We went to the cinema & as I sat down watching the trailers a video montage of all my family and his came up telling me how much they love & care about me.. When it finished he led me down the cinema steps and asked me to marry him - when I said yes our families stood up clapping from the seats!!


omg congrats- how romantic!!
that must have taken a lot of planning
very impressed
Anyone do that thing of panicking you haven't felt baby move for a bit so start prodding .... Then 5 minutes later really regret the prodding as you are being beaten up?!?! This baby is way more violent than my first!! X x x

for some reason i had sharp pain when munchkin was moving last couple of days- however its settled so it must have just been the position or something

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