december due mamas

Your bump looks so cute.
Unfortunately my Arse and thighs have grown with this bump too. Most of my shorts are now unwearable! I'm shocked even at my 20 week scan with my 1st the tummy was only just starting to get fuller.

Well the people that work in the hotel know now my husband just told them all I was furious!! Even though I was asked about the bump before they knew!!

I knew it would be hard as I like a drink esp on holiday so they would have noticed!!

I really feel for you guys suffering I feel better but I know if I was at work I'd feel a whole lot worse!!


Oh wow! Your bump is a great size for 10 weeks :) if your thighs and bum grows you're meant to be having a girl :)

I would be furious too! But I can see how people had guessed already lol luckily for me it's not that warm here so I can put on baggy clothes.


Lovely little bumps ladies. I didnt show until the middle of tri 2 with my 1st but my second I got a bump right away. This time I have lost so much weight with being sick its hard to say.
Haha.. I think my thighs grew in my last pregnancy. But this time I haven't noticed.. Hmm!

Thanks bunny. I'm sure you will get a bump soon.
I really feel sorry for you ladies who are suffering! It must be awful. How long did it last with your other pregnancies? Xx

Stopped being really sick around 12 weeks last time I remember throwing up with my son was around 16 weeks this time it's 24/7 nausea not being sick every day now but r nausea is pretty constant
Mine lasted until around 16 weeks last time. No where need as bad as you ladies though. This time it started easing at 8 weeks. Now it's only here every now and then. I've been lucky this time. I'm not sure if it's because baby will be a boy this time or because it's a second pregnancy xx

Mine started getting better around 13 weeks last time and I stopped throwing up about at about 15 weeks.
Thankyou everyone :)
This is my 5th pregnancy, my youngest boy is nearly 4. ( was a shocking suprise).
I feel huge already and only 9weeks. Surely it can't be all baby with he/she been so tiny at this stage.
How's everyone finding pregnancy? X
Hello ladies well I'm holiday in Turkey. Weather is gorgeous, I'm just sunbathing on a lounger while watching my son in the kids pool.

My sickness really has improved its still worrying me but I'm just concentrating on the hols. I'm so tired by 9pm I just want bed but my 3 year old obviously doesn't!

Slb24 omg I look like a beached whale. By the end of day it feels huge to me. People that we know here have already commented oh are you pregnant?
I'll take a pic tonight you ladies can see what you think!

Also last night I'm sure I could see the belly line developing up from my lady garden!


Tonks, I am off to Turkey soon and I will be 11 weeks. Ive been advised because of the zika virus spreading to use mosquito spray.....did you use any? Not sure what is suitable for pregnancy :(
You can get plug in things with mosquito repellant to put in your room so you dont get bitten at night.
You're not supposed to use sprays with DEET unless it's a high risk area, but you can buy natural ones made from citronella which are fine to use. They're just not as effective as the DEET ones.
Are you boomboomb?? I didn't think there was any risk here thought it was in South America??

Oops I brought incognito with me anyway as I get bit a lot, but I've only used it it once on my legs.
I'm really surprised I haven't been bitten once in 5 days yet!! But I am going to bed so early though so I'm probably avoiding them.

I've used those plug in things before they are good. Also I've used Avon skin so soft dry oil spray in original I hated the smell but it kept the mossies away.

Oh nearly forgot I saw on the plane they were selling mosquito bands think they were about £7 not sure if they are natural but might be worth googling.

I've got burnt really easily but it's nice being away and not working.


The incognito one is good for pregnancy, you can even use it on babies!

The opinion on deet ones is mixed anyway - there's only one study which says it is bad for little boys in the womb, but it wasn't a properly controlled medical study, and because of the risks no one will do any other studies obviously!

Best avoided if you can though. I get bitten loads but I'll just stick to citronella unless it gets too bad. Xxx
Well how is everyone? We've made it to another weekend! Just keep swimming ladies the end of Tri 1 is in sight!
I feel rubbish constant head aches and tiredness, can't remember this with my other pregnancies. How are you mummy? X
Aw thanks for all the advice guys!! I get bitten loads normally :(

we're going with family and they don't know about the baby yet! Should be an interesting break.

How's everyone getting on with the sickness? I'm just over 8 weeks now and can't seem to hold anything down apart from ice lollies :-/
I'm still pretty auful. I'm trying to decide if I should go to hospital. I manage to drink enough water at night so not too dehydrated but have been eating next to nothing for weeks. Just hoping the worst will be over soon.
Oh bunny. That doesn't sound nice at all. Fingers crossed you're feeling better soon x

I would love nothing more than to down a pint of water but that's only going to end one way!!

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