december due mamas

Tonks it's crazy to think we're all nearly in tri 2! My scan is 6th June. Then I will have an official date but it's only 2-3 weeks away xx

NOPE!!!! won't miss it I will wave it goodbye and won't look back the only highlight so far was the day I found out I was pregnant and my scan at 9 weeks otherwise it's been crap
I've been feeling fine since 8 weeks but I defo won't miss it lol I'm hoping some of the tiredness goes! Lol xx

I enjoyed it until I hit 6 weeks. Have been miserable since then. Just hoping my sickness doesn't last far into tri 2.
Yeah sib from uk, with my anxiety I raised concerns as I've previous had 3 c sections and so nervous about another. Was sent for an ultrasound that measured the scar she was ment to see where the baby laid in comparison to that aswell but didn't understand what she was doing the sonographer said it's very rare there asked to measure stuff like that. Never had it done with my last pregnancy after 2 previous sections then was just told that I'd be having section and given a date for it. Got to go back tomorrow to see consultant as she was called away before I got to see he today. Saw little bubba on scan wriggling away blew. Awww back ache sucks, I just keep getting head aches, the nausea as been quite good today barely there �� Is anyone suspecting pregnancy for any of you ladies? A couple have said something to me but want to get to the 20week scan to make it all official xxx
Started bleeding a little on and off again today, a little bit redder this time, I've tried phoning the midwife for ages but yptheyre not answering, I don't really have any cramps but almost like a heavy pulling feeling, my husband is freaking out but I'm pretty calm its not very much blood and don't want to stress incase all is ok, going to see how I get on overnight, and try ringing again in the morning
Awww mummy I hope all is well with you bet it's a very worrying time :( can't you go to ane and maybe they xould check you out. It's shocking that midwifes didn't ring back if you called more than once. Sending big hugs xxx
There's no answer machine it just keeps ringing. I live 30 mins from the hospital and my little boy is in bed now so I'll keep an eye on it
Ikklemoi im glad the scan went well :)

Mummywanabe.. I would defo nip into a&e tomorrow. Just for peace of mind really. You shouldn't be stressing about it. I wish you the best of luck, though I imagine things are fine xx

No more bleeding since yesterday this little one is really loving pushing his/her mummy to the limit lol scan on Thursday morning! Hurry up lol
Thinking of you mummy I'm sure everything will be fine Thursday xx

Mummywanabe I wish you the best of luck! I hope everything's okay. You've had bleeding before your last scan didn't you? Did they find a reason for it?
I wonder if you've got a placenta Previa like me?

I've been for repeat bloods today for iron studies.. They find out in my last pregnancy that I had alpha thalassemia. I'm not a carrier though, it just affects me. So I'm hoping everything comes back okay this time :/

My sickness seems to be back as well :( I threw up in my mums car in the way to the hospital.. Oops! Lol luckily she had a lunch box in there so I vomited in that rather than damage the car lol I hope I dot get any more now xx

I hope you don't get any more bleeding mummywanabe.

I had a rough couple of days but doing better now. I was disappointed because I thought the meds were helping then I was worse than ever Sunday but I think I may have caught a little tummy bug on top of the usual sickness. It has been going around and my mum had it a few days ago. I only threw up once so far today, which is good going for me. I got IV fluids yesterday and today which always seems to help me feel better too. The biggest concern now is that I cant eat much even with the meds, it just comes up again. In my other hg pregnancy I started getting better from 13 weeks so I am counting!
Awww I hope u don't get anymore blessing Hun. Come back from the consultants appointment even more scared. Apparently can only tell if placenta is embedded into uterus at 20weeks so nervous and scared nearly had a panic attack earlier talking about hysterectomy and stuff. Xx
Ikklemoi.. Are you nervous that the placenta may be low lying or that it may be attached to the c section scar tissue?

Do you want a hysterectomy or are you worried Incase they need to remove everything if the placenta is embedded? Xx
I'm worried about everything sib it's when my anxiety takes over everything is a massive panic to me. I'm nervous about if a find out I have placent accreta.all the possible risks and everything to me and the baby etc. Xx
Aaww Hun, it's really rare. Easier said than done (especially because I've never suffered with anxiety so I can't really understand) but try to relax. Is there anything that helps to ease your anxiety? Any calming techniques you have used in the past? Xx


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