december due mamas

Yeah I'm finding it easier to drink fluids in the evening now and then I'm up at 1 am 3am and 5am needing to pee lol driving me mad and then after 5 I can't get back to sleep so I lie in bed til the hunger starts and I begin to feel sick
The only good thing about being in bed all day sick is that I get to nap in the afternoon.
Congratulations caz! If you explain you are not sure of your dates they might give you an early scan to check how far along you are.
I'm constantly exhausted! Lol I can't make it past 9:30pm. And I'm having a nap most days.. Oops! Haha xx

After a hellish few days I was admitted as a day patient to the EPU yesterday. My ketones in my urine were 4+++ so they rehydrated me and gave me IV ondansetron. Oh my gosh it's the least sick I've felt in weeks! I wish I could have it all the time. They gave me an early scan too and my baked bean is very healthy thank goodness. They gave me a leaflet about hyperemesis gravidarum so I'm assuming that's what I have? I was sick 7 times before 9 am yesterday and Sunday I only drank 450ml due to the severe nausea. Saturday I was vomiting blood. Hugs to all the others suffering x
Oh god miss Juliet! I'm glad everything's okay with baby but what an ordeal! Hopefully the sickness will pass soon! Xx

Gosh MissJuliet, that sounds horrific. Glad you got a bit of respite after the drip and that baby is doing well!

Do you feel any better today? Xxx
Hi Juliet I also have hyperemesis and did with my 1st pregnancy too, it is horrendous, my ketones were 3+++ but they said they wouldn't admit me until it was 4+, thankfully ipthis past couple of days I've been able to eat again, it lasted until I was around 7 weeks with my son, I'm hoping this is the end of it I was started in cyclising tablets but they just came up as soon as they were taken, I really hope you start to feel better soon and that it doesn't last the whole pregnancy the last couple of weeks my mood was very low with it as it really takes over your life, just keep that scan pic close to you and remember there's a good reason why this is happening to you xx I can definitely say this will be my last baby I really can't go through that sickness again
Anyone else got a ridiculous sized bump/bloat? Got any pics? I'm probably just going mad haha

At 9 weeks I seriously doubt it's baby but at this rate I'm not going to be able to hide it lol my mum and my sister have already commented on it. Luckily they know though! Lol

Hello ladies well I'm holiday in Turkey. Weather is gorgeous, I'm just sunbathing on a lounger while watching my son in the kids pool.

My sickness really has improved its still worrying me but I'm just concentrating on the hols. I'm so tired by 9pm I just want bed but my 3 year old obviously doesn't!

Slb24 omg I look like a beached whale. By the end of day it feels huge to me. People that we know here have already commented oh are you pregnant?
I'll take a pic tonight you ladies can see what you think!

Also last night I'm sure I could see the belly line developing up from my lady garden!


Enjoy your holiday Hun! Hopefully the sun and relaxing are making you feel better :)

Have u told them your pregnant then? I'm glad it's not just me! I feel daft because at this stage baby is meant to be below the pubic bone. So what the hell is this bump about? Lol xx

After a hellish few days I was admitted as a day patient to the EPU yesterday. My ketones in my urine were 4+++ so they rehydrated me and gave me IV ondansetron. Oh my gosh it's the least sick I've felt in weeks! I wish I could have it all the time. They gave me an early scan too and my baked bean is very healthy thank goodness. They gave me a leaflet about hyperemesis gravidarum so I'm assuming that's what I have? I was sick 7 times before 9 am yesterday and Sunday I only drank 450ml due to the severe nausea. Saturday I was vomiting blood. Hugs to all the others suffering x

How are you today? Sorry you are having such a rough time. I sympathise! So far I have kept out of hospital by drinking water in the night when I am at my least sick. Pretty much anything I have in the day time just comes up again. I'm getting blood in my vomit too but its not very much. I think its just from the back of my throat which feels raw.
I had two good days have started being sick again, I've had to send my son round to my mother in laws to be looked after......IT DOESNT LAST FOREVER!! I have to keep telling myself this to get through it
Hi girls. Slb - that definitely looks like a baby bump to me! Still feeling really sick, my sickness gets worse as the day goes on. I rung a brilliant helpline today run by Pregnancy Sickness Support. They gave me the name of a consultant obstetrician at my local hospital and I rung me GP and he's agreed to refer me. Definitely check out this charity if you need help. Cyclizine does nothing for me either, ondansetron is the only thing that works x
Hey congrats to all mums to be due in Dec I'm due on the 21st dec 😁 X

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