december due mamas

I wanted a water birth with my daughter and would have loved a water birth at home this time. Unfortunately because I was induced with my daughter and it ended in a section I wouldn't be allowed a water birth this time. And they would strongly advise against a home birth. I'm
Not sure I would be confident enough either. Good luck though! I hope you get relaxing births :) xx

I wanted a water birth with my son but I barely even got my trousers off before he was coming. They wouldn't have had time to fill the bath
Lucky you! Haha It took me 4 days to get to 1-2! Lol that's why it ended in a section. But I was only 37 weeks. She wasn't ready to come xx

I didn't even know I was in labour for the first 5 hours lol so by the time I got to hospital it really kicked in but there were not enough midwives so they kept me in the wee assessment room, and hour before he was born I finally got moved to labour room and got some gas and air and then I started sounding like a barnyard animal and he came lol I swear I laugh anytime I hear a cow now moooooooo lol
My 1st labour was 38hrs altogether with active labour of over 24hrs. It was just under 24hrs altogether with my second so that was quick for me :).
Mummywanabe that really made me laugh! Though I'm jealous of your labour. Mine was forced and it didn't progress. I'm kind of hoping I can have a natural this time. But because I've had a section they don't like you to go over 40 weeks and I refuse to be induced again! Plus if baby is small again he/she will need to come early, and they found a low lying placenta (there's a chance it will move). But things seem to be against me having a natural birth lol

Bunny I've heard your labours get easier and quicker so hopefully yours will be xx

Hope everyone is okay today :-)

I'm getting worried as my symptoms are fading. Boobs less sore and less swollen, not really feeling nausea other than when very hungry. Complete 180 from this time last week. Still, positive thinking. It's going to be a loooong week and a half until the next early scan.
How many weeks are you now madsticks?
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I wouldn't worry too much mad sticks. Mine come and go too! But I always feel at least one thing, but like you said they're sometimes milder. How far are you? Xx

Have a bit more blood streaking very small blink and you'll miss it but there was also a little tiny bit of brown discharge, I'm in bed trying to take it easy, really hoping everything is ok but feeling a little pessimistic today, I'm not phoning the hospital as any previous times hey really just dont want to know so ill see if there's any more during the day
Mummywannabe I hope your ok, take it easy. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about xx

I hope everything is okay. Its horrid when you dont know what is going on. When is your next scan?
My scan is on 26th may, so about 10 days or so, it really isn't very much at all but it's there and it worries me I've always lost babies around 6-7 weeks so it sort of felt like a very heavy period and I'd never had any scans so never had the same connection, I've seen this little ones heartbeat, had the scan I'd be devastated if I lost this one this late on, trying to think more positively it could be totally nothing at all, although my symptoms have definitely got better very mild nausea now, I'm eating again, just very tired
10 days feels like ages when you are worried. I spotted slightly in both my healthy pregnancies.
My symptoms have very much reduced now too Hun. I'm actually doing my nails for holiday today!!

I'd feel exactly the same as you I think if I lost this one it will be a massive blow and it will hit me a lot harder than the others.

10 days is along time if your waiting but it will def come soon enough xxx

Can you not phone EPU and exaggerate a bit? Lol maybe get yourself in earlier? The wait is awful I know!

I've been spotting since 4 weeks on and off and baby is fine so far! Just to give you some hope!

Hopefully everything will be fine! Good luck Hun xx

Haven't had anymore and it really was minimal but u know what it's like ur mind goes
Glad some of your symptoms are improving ladies, but sorry that's causing you stress!!!

I have my first scan tomorrow, I'm sooo nervous... Xxx
Good luck babyfrog!

I hope you don't get any more spotting mummywanabe xx


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