december due mamas

I phoned the hospital today to find out why I still haven't received a date for a booking in appointment with the midwife and 12 week scan date, turns out they never received my GP referral I'm 10 weeks tomorrow the girl in medical records said she would sort it out for me so I'll be expecting a letter in the post this week, feeling like I've been left behind lol
Mummywanabe I've spotted in and off this pregnancy and things are fine so far. Good luck Hun.

I had my booking in appointment today. I was in for over an hour! In this heat it was awful lol

I have another scan on Friday :)

Anyone else's sickness getting better? I panicked a bit this morning but I'm around 8 weeks (-/+ a few days). I know that the placenta takes over around 8 - 12 weeks.

Do you think it's just my hcg levels evening out? All my symptoms seem to be getting better, less tired, achey etc. Except my boobs lol

Anyone else? Xx

Boomboomb I feel like I've put loads of weight on. Bloating and an actual gain of about 5 lbs in only six weeks! I'm hoping it's water retention, I can't be putting that much weight on, and I haven't been eating unhealthily! My appetite has definitely increased but I've been eating the right things most of the time!

No nausea yet, but my boobs are quite uncomfortable when I go to bed! Xxx
Boomboomb.. How far are you?

I've had a bloat/bump for a while. I originally thought it was just bloat but from what I've been reading it's caused by your uterus growing (size of a lemon at 8 weeks) and your organs moving up. So it's most likely a bit of bloat and your intestines etc pushing out a little.

It could be worse/happen sooner if you've already a child/children already xx

I didnt show much of anything in my 1st pregnancy but the last 3 I have changed shape almost as soon as I got my BFP. I think its the muscles and tendons relaxing from the hormones. It seems to make my tummy stick out more. Last pregnancy I was finding it hard to hide I was pregnant by the time I was only about 8 weeks. This time it started the same way but I've lost 15lbs from the sickness so I'm not looking so plump now.
I deffo have a bump already although had one quite early with my first one but I had some mummy tummy left over from last time, although I've lost 16 lbs in 4 weeks but still have a wee round tummy lol
How's everyone feeling only about 3 weeks left of Tri 1, just want my scan date and to see if all is ok again....and for this sickness to end I had the best day ever yesterday hardly any nausea no vomiting and I ate all day but back to feeling nauseated again today, and my little boy has the cold now too, can't I just stay in bed and put the duvet over my head lol
I am 7 weeks today. This is my first so not sure what to expect really.

Have only put on a pound but my stomach feels like its carrying an extra stone. Suppose it's good practice for what's to come!

Hows everyone feeling today?x
Hey everyone first time on here. In due 13th December have my booking in on Wednesday. Struggling with non stop nausea and bad dizzy spells. I have a two year old and am sure didn't feel this bad last time!
Welcome Ellies88. Your def not alone I feel dizzy as well as sick. I def didn't feel dizzy with my son and think that is adding to me feeling even worse too. I'm due on the 11th.

Boomboomb I've put on weight already this time I only put a stone on with my son the entire pregnancy. I'm so bloated it's stupid I look pregnant but I know it's just gas.

Mummywannabe I can't wait to graduate into tri 2. My nausea dipped for a couple of days then it came back just as bad as before I was gutted and relieved at the same time!!

Holiday Monday hope I cope in the sun and can relax a bit!!


I'm getting a really sharp pain left side of my groin all day it only lasts a few secs and goes away but it's sharp and throbbing anyone experienced anything like this it's taking my breath away at times I can't honestly remember if I had anything like this first time round
Hi mummywanabe, how you feeling now?

I've got my scan date through - Monday morning! I'll only be 7 weeks according to my calculations, but because my LMP was Feb they have to check I'm not further along.

I'm really excited and terrified all at once. Other than slightly sore boobs I have no symptoms at all. I'm trying to stay optimistic :) xxx
Hi all, nice to see how everyone is getting along.

I had my booking appointment yesterday babyfrog and said about symptoms and she said some women are just lucky and don't have any it's not always a bad sign so try not to worry. Your probably s lucky one!!

I am changing hospitals as I don't want to give birth in our local hospital so have to ring the other hospital today to book in my bloods and then book in my scan!

Tonks I am the same as you sickness is back but quite glad in a way!! I can't wait to see some of the scan pics! Not going to be long now! Can't believe I'll be 9 weeks Friday! It's going so quickly but slow at the same time waiting for this scan!!

In regards to size I feel huge at night I just seem to bloat right out and ok in the morning!! Xxx
Still having that pain all through the night, it's not getting any worse, my sickness is back again this morning after a two day break
Hey everyone first time on here. In due 13th December have my booking in on Wednesday. Struggling with non stop nausea and bad dizzy spells. I have a two year old and am sure didn't feel this bad last time!

Welcome Ellies! My nausea wasnt as bad my second pregnancy but I found everything else about it harder. I think trying to keep up with a toddler had a lot to do with it. In my 1st pregnancy when I didnt feel well it was easier to just rest. I have had dizzy spells in all my pregnancies. I think it is normal because of drops in blood pressure but it got much worse for me when I was anemic so it might be worth checking your iron levels.
Could you have pulled a muscle or ligament mummywanabe?

Unfortunately my sickness is as bad as ever. I havent really been out of bed in 2 weeks now. I will be so glad whe this stage is over! I am counting the days until it will stop. I just wish I knew when it will stop :).
At the moment but given 10th December due date but that could change on next scan on 26th May as had EPU scan to determine pregnancy so all they could go on was measurements which was 5w+6d
I had booking in today have low blood pressure and took bloods now just gotta wait for scan date. Can't wait to get passed 12 weeks so had scan and know everything is ok and hopefully start to feel better sure everyone feels the same tho ! Hope everyone else is ok x
Had my early scan today, saw baby and little heart beat <3

Got to go back in 2 weeks to make sure it's cooking nicely.

Bit worried that my nausea has subsided today, after having it quite severely for almost a week... but just going to try not to worry and make the most of being able to eat again :)
Aww bet it's lovely to see the heartbeat madsticks, how far along are you? Xxx

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