Feel so irritable this evening. It just feels like everything is my responsibility. Having to refix on our mortgage & I have to make decisions about what term & option to go for.
On brighter note had 28 week appointment today. All measuring on target for dates, heart beat of 140, urine sample clear & bloods taken.
This is what it's like for me, I sort bills, banking, best deals on gas and electric, mortgage - all he does is sort sky!! It drives me insane - so many of my friends say their husbands sort it all out and I'm really jealous!
I sort everything. All the bills & anything to do with the household - food, shopping, anything we need in the house. I also deal with all the savings. All he knows is some of his money goes into a joint account. He has no access to it & doesn't know what goes where. I have to balance the books & make sure we have enough to cover any outgoings. It's quite exhausting!
Got my blood results back today. Need iron tablets as my Hb levels are low. No wonder I feel so tired.