***********December 2015- Final Leg***********

I have been hit with absolutely ridiculous cravings tonight. All I can think about is getting a bath sponge and soaking it before sucking all the water out it and chewing on it. So far I have managed to resist but the urge is overwhelming!
Hi all sorry for not updating you all! I have jumped the que quite a lot! Delighted to announce the safe arrival after 54 hour labour ( will do full story later!) Athena Sarah McCoy born at 5.21pm on 20/11 weighing a lovely 5lb 9oz. We are both still in hospital and will hopefully get out in a few days. Xx
Hi all sorry for not updating you all! I have jumped the que quite a lot! Delighted to announce the safe arrival after 54 hour labour ( will do full story later!) Athena Sarah McCoy born at 5.21pm on 20/11 weighing a lovely 5lb 9oz. We are both still in hospital and will hopefully get out in a few days. Xx

Aww congrats xx
Has everyone got a baby monitor or getting it after baby is born? Also can anyone recommend a good one? x

We got an Angel care one that detects movements. It's had good reviews & is one of best selling in UK. I think it's angel care 403, was on sale in mothercare the other week for 69.99 rather than 89.99 x
Hi all sorry for not updating you all! I have jumped the que quite a lot! Delighted to announce the safe arrival after 54 hour labour ( will do full story later!) Athena Sarah McCoy born at 5.21pm on 20/11 weighing a lovely 5lb 9oz. We are both still in hospital and will hopefully get out in a few days. Xx

Wow congratulations! Beautiful name & a very respectable weight! 54 hours - you did amazingly. X
Oh wow Jill! Fab news and beautiful name. Congratulations!!! Hope your home soon x x
Congrats Jill, another early December baby. How many weeks were you when she was born? Hope you are both out of hospital soon. xx
First official day of mat leave & I feel awful. Got a nasty cold - blocked nose, sore throat..:sick::sick::x
Hope your feeling better today Lucylastic.

3 days left at work. Come on now I can do this!!!!

Hope everyone doing ok x x x
Final growth scan today at 36 weeks. Baby estimated at 5lbs6. Which was the same weight my daughter was born at two weeks late!

Confirmed section date as the 17th, 3 weeks tomorrow!!!

We are team yellow but the sonographer kept saying 'she' all the way through. Neither me or my husband asked if it was just his go to term or if he was telling us shes a girl!!

Xx xx
Exciting times :-) sounds like it could well be a pink bundle, before we found out at one of our scans they kept saying 'he' and a he he is.

All being well you'll be out and home for Christmas :-) xxx
That's the plan Becky. Just two more days to get through at work and a few weeks to chill and prepare for Christmas before baby arrives.

Hope everyone else doing ok x x
Oh yay Melissa not long to go now :)
I am ok thanks, last two days having braxton hicks throughout the day. Glad to finally have finished work though, am officially nesting! xx
Yay Melissa!! Must be amazing to have an actual set date. That's my birthday too!!! I'm desperate for baby to make an appearance before Christmas. Why is it you're getting s section if you don't mind me asking?
Yay Melissa!! Must be amazing to have an actual set date. That's my birthday too!!! I'm desperate for baby to make an appearance before Christmas. Why is it you're getting s section if you don't mind me asking?

Someone else who could have a birthday baby! I am expecting little bundle to make an appearance on my birthday (21st) or Christmas day or if overdue New Year!

Been having a mare with Mothercare this week- ordered my pram in July & had it delivered on Tuesday. Rather than deliver the pram & car seat i have 2 prams & no car seat! Now they are being mega obstructive about correcting their mistake! Just what I need! Luckily I have a friend who will lend me a car seat if worse comes to worst but still I could do without the stress! Mothercare actually expected a 37 week pregnant woman to return both prams to store where there is no parking outside & would have to carry both for at least 10minutes x
Looking forward to joining you in the nesting stakes!!! 1 day to go whoop whoop!!!!

Thanks monkey, it's weird having a date! Good weird! Lol. My dd was an emergency section after an induction at 10daya over and then she went into distress and I know how close we came to losing her as my friend was the midwife on duty! Terrified of a further induction and in all honesty having a four year old at home and the fear of bein in hosp on Christmas day has also contributed to my decision of a planned section!! It's my choice... Growth has been monitored with this baby and although only tracking along 10th centile there are no worries.

Lucy that's terrible!!!! You'd think it being mothercare they would be more underatanding!! Hope it resolves soon. Get onto the customer services and let them have it! ️Xxx
Someone else who could have a birthday baby! I am expecting little bundle to make an appearance on my birthday (21st) or Christmas day or if overdue New Year!

Ha yeah I would love a Birthday baby as I share my Birthday with my mum so would be 3 generations all on the same day!

I hope you get your pram and car seat sorted, Mothercare are usually pretty good but typically not when you need them to be! Get on the social media and they will sort it out sharpish I bet!

Melissa - Makes sense to want the section instead of all the stress, Christmas is stressful enough!

Putting my Christmas tree up this weekend, I cannot wait to be feeling all Christmassy knowing that little one could be here in time!
Was admitted with suspected PET this evening (ultimately not, just raised bp and ++protein, but bloods ok)
Failed sweep as cervix closed but now (couple of hours later) I think I'm losing a plug?!? Cm is tinged pink? Anyone know if this is normal?

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