Dear Baby <3


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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I thought it'd be a good idea and a nice thread to look back on once our little ones have been born!. Write a letter to your unborn baby boy/girl..Can be anything you want it to be :)..Say what you want :)..Ill start!

Dear Sebastian,

Please stop kicking mummy's ribs, i know your head down now but it really hurts..If your going to have a wiggle move back around so your feet down but you can turn back afterwards :). Cant believe we made it to 32 weeks!..Me and Daddy we're very scared when we realised you were in there! :)!

When you eventually decide to make an appearance please dont be late and make as easy on Mummy as you can!..Mummy's not very good with pain and would prefer not to sound like a banshee in heat when in labour :lol: :)

Cant wait to meet you!

Lots of Love

Mummy & Daddy xxxx
Oo ok.

Dear peanut,

Sorry that we dont have a name for you yet, daddy is being awkward and doesn't like any of the names I suggest, although I'm sure it's only because he wants to find the perfect name for our little baby :)

We are very excited to meet you and find out if you are a boy or a girl, so please arrive on time, or even better, a week early! I know it must be cosy in there but itll be summer and probably quite warm, so I'd rather not be 2 weeks overdue, thanks!

Love you already, mummy x x x x

Ps, if you could slide out nice and easily with minimal pain that would be great! :)
I'll give this a go ut it may be an essay :)

Dear Riven

First of all I want to say that Mummy and Daddy already love you so very much and we want to thank you for coming into being, after 3 years of trying for you we finally got there and in 8 weeks or so we will be able to cuddle you as much as you and we like.

We can promise you that you will always be loved and cherished with every piece of our hearts.

Mummy can feel you moving and kicking her and as much as it hurts she wants you to carry on with it, that way she knows your safe.

I promise that I will get you that waterbirth that I promised you to make things easier for you and for mummy for you to be born :)

Love you always

Mummy xxxxx
Dear Noah

Mummy is impatient and would really like you to consider showing up around the 37th week- if it isn't too much to ask as she HATES waiting.

I really hope you like you name- mummy chose it, and it has grown on daddy now- basically mummy won (mummy normally wins remember this!) We love you so much already and daddy is starting to get pretty excited now we're nearing the home stretch - he will be a great daddy to you - I just hope you have my ears not hi!

Keep wiggling and thank you for not kicking me in the ribs.

On the subject of food- mummy and daddy both like food but if you could slow down the weight gain just a tad- you know so mummy doesn't have to push a 14lb baby out that would be great :D perhaps you could aim for under 9lbs or even under 10 lbs? that would be fab!

You have so much to look forward to on the outside and amazing grandparents and a doting aunty we look forward to all the sleepless nights and drama (if you have your mummies flare) you'll bring to our lives xxxxxxxx

l7o6ts0 <-----(that was from the cat toffee)

lots of love mummy xxxxxx
Dear Aimee,
Words cannot express how happy I am that you will be coming into my life soon and being my whole world. I have been waiting for you for so long. When I was told I may not be able to have children I was numb. When I found out I was having you I was the happiest person on the planet. I just hope I can be the mummy you need and deserve.
Daddy was a little shocked when he knew you was coming into the world but now all he talks about is you and what we will all do together as a family. Everyone is dying to meet you and we cannot wait for your arrival!
We all have so much love for you already! I hope we can give you everything you ever want and need.

Lots of love
Your Mum
P.s The dogs are looking forward to meeting their new playmate too!! :)
Dear Henry,
I can feel you kicking and moving about in there, we just got everything finally ready for you. Me and Daddy can't wait to meet you but your big sister Lilith is looking more forward to meeting you she keeps talking to you, singing, hugging and kissing my bump where you are, she has even got you a top saying 'little brother' to match her 'big sister' top. Daddy is over the moon as we know you have his nose.

All your family love you and can't wait for you to come i hope you come just after your due date and are healthy and a nice weight for your size. Mummy doesn't mind all the heartburn and constant toilet breaks needed. I hope you love us just as much as we all love you.
I dont even mind all the stretch marks that i have. Lilith says when your here she is going to read you some stories she is only 2 and a half now.

Cant wait meet you son just remember you are always loved no matter what.

love Mummy, Daddy and your big Sister Lilith x x x x x x
Lovely notes ladies, all of them brought tears to my eyes:blush:

Dear Sebbie,

Its mummy again!, me and daddy have had a fun afternoon feeling you move and kick especially when mummy was trying to sleep (As she was dead to the world getting up at half 9 this morning). Apparently daddy got kicked a number of times when he was trying to hug mummy..Its nice to know your already very protective of who's touching mummy:lol:, but as soon as your here we'll have a new special little man to spoil with lots of cuddles and kisses :)

Me and daddy usually have regular discussions about who your going to look like more, Ive always said that daddy has beautiful blue eyes and i want you to have those lovely blue eyes too!, but at the same time daddy wants you to look like me, but either way we know your going to be gorgeous whoever you look like :).

Everyone is so excited to meet you, and your going to have a lovely playmate too!. His name is Hector and when your born theres only going to be 7 months between you, and hopefully you two will be the best of friends!, both grandma's cant wait to meet you either!. Your grandma on my side has spoilt you and your not even born yet, shes brought you so many adorable little outfits and i look forward to trying them all on you!..Just dont come and be too big otherwise most of them won't fit you :lol:

All our love

Mummy, Daddy, Both grandma's & Millie the cat <3 xxxx
Dear Amy or James!
Me and Daddy already love you very much and we can't wait to meet you. Daddy wants to cut your umbilical cord! Not sure if he'll be allowed to, but we'll see. You can keep wriggling and kicking as much as you like, despite it being quite uncomfy at times. At least I know you're there and feeling well! Mummy tries to eat healthily for you and forces down broccolii which she hates, but eats it as she knows it's healthy for you! All your clothes are ready for you. Mummy and Daddy are hopefuly about to move house in the next Week, so Mummy would appreciate it if you stayed warm and cosy inside her for a good few more weeks until we get your room sorted!
All our love, Mummy and Daddy.
ooo Blimey most of these notes have made me start balling my eyes out, it is such an amazing thing we are all doing.

so glad it wasnt just me getting emotional at them xxx
Yeah, made my bottom lip go some too :blush:..Had to explain to OH about the notes..He probably thinks im being daft :lol:

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