Lots of Love, From Evie xx

What a gorgeous little girl :D

Your mummy must be very proud of you :cheer:
Hi Evie :wave:

Aww Dannii she is absolutely stunning :hug:
Welcome to the world little Evie!! What a stunning girl you are. :D

Congrats Dannii!!! :hug: xxx
everyone was desperate for news that Evie had arrived, well done hon, seems like you had a rough ride, time to put that all behind you and enjoy your little girl...she a wee dolly.

Hope that you are getting looked after so that you can put all your energy into Evie.

See you in babies and toddlers section!
:wave: Evie you are absolutely beautiful & you have a fantastic mummy who will do anything for you :D

Well done Dannii, Evie is stunning & I'm your you'll make a fab mum :hug: :hug:
Aww Evie's a right little stunner!! Congrats again Dannii xx
Dear Evie,

Your pictures look great! Do you have Facebook? I would love to get to know you better and take you out for a drink sometime, see we already have something in common coz my favourite drink is milk too!

Lots of love

Baby Jack ;) ;)
evie u r soooooo beautiful xxx ur mummy must b so proud.
and well done 2 mummy 4 breast feeding u, i bet she loves u lots and lots.

congrats dannii
Awww Evie your such a little princess!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope to catch your mum online later!!! :cheer:
Congratulations. Loving all that hair.
Oh how beautiful (and smart) is Evie! Many many congratulaions! :hug: :hug:
Congratulations Dannii!! Little Evie is gorgeous!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Evie you are absolutely beautiful, a true princess! You look soooooooo cute on your pics, your mummy must be so proud of you. We have all been so excited to see you, and we were so pleased to hear that you had finally arrived and you and your mummy were ok. Hope you are being a good girl and making sure your mummy gets lots of rest. Look forward to hearing more about you very soon xx xx

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