Dealing with the loss


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Nov 3, 2013
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In Sept I ended up in a&e for xray of foot and was told I was in early stages of pregnancy they did two tests

Eventually got appointment with Doc quite a while later and she did hcg test and was told I wasn't I continued to have really sore breasts, nausea, exhaustion and be very crabbit with a bit of light bleeding around when I should ave had period for 48 hrs - 1 pad would have done the whole time. My periods are normally 7 days and pretty heavy for 5 days with uck and all coming out. Not now. Doc did more tests on me and hcg came back neg again.

I was shocked at preg at start then got head round it now I am really emotional and down and have been crying on and off for last week and a half

I've always been told that you can't get a false positive and I had two positives from the main hospital in area but docs as negative.

Giving more blood start of week for more tests and goin for ultra sound as had been having pain low down

My boyfriend had also dumped me a week and half b4 I found out.

I really am having difficulty dealing with all of this
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Oh hun I feel for you.

I am sorry about your boyfriend. What an awful thing for you. Hugs.

Losing a pregnancy is very hard. The only thing I can say is you need to take the time to grieve for your loss and for your relationship. This forum is wonderful for getting support from others who have been through the same thing. There are some wonderful and very strong ladies on this forum and they have been a great source of support for me.

I have had some very dark days, but please know it does get a little easier.

Don't try to deal with it all at once. Your health is the most important thing right now. I hope your ultrasound gives you some answers.

Take care, hun x x x

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