day into night ?

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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ok i know leland is only 2 weeks old but when hubby goes back to work this is gonna make is life a nightmere ! (its aint much fun for me either lol )

he seems to think he sleeps all day and is awake all night !

is there anything i can do so younge ? brians works 12 hours shifts and its gonna be so hard if babe has him up all night and hardly fair to kick him out onto the sofa perminatly lol
but , we think thats the problem ! when its noisey he sleeps , when its quiet his wide awake :rotfl: ya recon this is cos of in hossy its noisey 24/7 ?
I dont really know how my pair worked it out, I just remeber my health visitor advising me to feed her every few hours so she would attempt to sleep at night, though I wouldnt advise waking up generally, there is a saying that goes never wake a sleeping baby'.

Id say keep him activw though its hard when there nodding off permanantly at newborn stage, take him out for walks during day etc.

At the start of the evening start setting a very loose routine, ie something like warm bath, pjs, cuddles, milk and settle him down and he will eventually cop on its night time and will start to recognise the routine and know its time for sleep. Thats just a example of how i think my two started out their routine, though it wasnt a routine as such, more like guidelines for them to get used too.

Hope he gets the hang of it soon Gem.
ashamed to say he hasnt had a bath yet , was told to leave it as he was prem and the last thing he can cope with is temp change , gonna give him his first one this week :oops:

the trouble is his feeding routine is the same day or night , change of bum before hand ect but at 10pm the boy is wide awake !

im sure we'll all figure it out soon :pray: suppose ive only been out of hossy a week !
mrs_tommo22 said:
At the start of the evening start setting a very loose routine, ie something like warm bath, pjs, cuddles, milk and settle him down and he will eventually cop on its night time and will start to recognise the routine and know its time for sleep. Thats just a example of how i think my two started out their routine, though it wasnt a routine as such, more like guidelines for them to get used too.
Yep & keep it nice and calm and dimly lit. For night time feeds I don't talk to him & try to do it in the dark or with my hubby's bedside light on rather than mine.
I do that even now, once stephen is in bed I turn the main lights off and when shes in her sleeping bag in her bouncer she drifts off quick and will sleep even when we pick her up and put her to bed.

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