Dani update!


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Well ladies after an unsuccessful day yesterday, trying to get hold of a midwife (left three messages and no one got back to me). I eventually spoke to a friend who said that antenatal will see me now Im over 13 weeks. SO rang them yesterday evening and left a message and I am waiting to hear from them today. I have booked a private scan for tomorrow in Swansea so at least that is in place. I hope I get called in today I felt so alone yesterday with the lack of care and support from the midwife and am seriously considering just paying privately for everything xxx
Further update! Spoke with antinatal, they reffered me to a ward, the ward referred me to a and e and at that poiont I had lost the will! I rang and rang and rang midwifes office and eventually got a call back! I had a blazing row witha midwife who basically said if ur having a mc there's nothing we can do! I went mad, I asked her top explain what she actually did and what antinatal did and to both of those questions there was no adequate response. It seems as though until ur over 20 wks noone down here really gives a toss even though they are paid to!!!!!! Ahhhhh, private all the way from now on!!! X
I feel for you hun I was met with the same response in this pregnancy I think its disgusting! Hope you and bubs are ok x
At my hospital after 14 weeks you are no longer seen by EPU but you have to go to the proper antenatal ward.

Luckily I've not needed to see them?

What ae you going to do hun, have you booked a private scan?

I have booked a private scan tomorrow lunchtime, so that will hopefully be some reassurance but it won't tell me where this brown is coming from! This is the second private scan I have had to pay for due to the incompetancies of the nhs service here. It just really isn't on. I will be makin a formal complaint, as no one should be left like this, with no one to turn to. Its cruel. Xxx
I really feel for you hun the NHS service has been disgusting experience for me too
Could be worth just going A&E and demanding to be sorted
I wish you all the best x
A and E is where I would go if I wasn't in work, my employer doeasnt know my status! If this were the wkend then yep I would be there. Problem I jave is that my DH works long ong hours and as such I deal with LO childcare and clubs etc! There is no time to be ill! I know that whatever is happening if anythoing can't be helped as such but all I want is someone to take charge and say right this is what we r going to do, not just go source some help ursself!! Does that make sense?? X
I'm sorry to hear this Dani and I do think you've been treated horribly.

It just goes to show how much variation there is from trust to trust.

I'd go to A&E though, purely to put your mind at rest, as you say the private scan won't give you proper reassurance?

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A and E is where I would go if I wasn't in work, my employer doeasnt know my status! If this were the wkend then yep I would be there. Problem I jave is that my DH works long ong hours and as such I deal with LO childcare and clubs etc! There is no time to be ill! I know that whatever is happening if anythoing can't be helped as such but all I want is someone to take charge and say right this is what we r going to do, not just go source some help ursself!! Does that make sense?? X

I'd be in exactly the same position :hugs:
Could you go after work and take lo with you? Or an NHS walk in? Dont know if they'd be much use? x
LO has gym starigght after I finish wrk at 6 until 7 then it home for foods and bed for her until hub is back from wrk! All I want is an examination to see what's goingf on up there!!!!!!!! Oisnt that what midwives and anti natal r supposed to do???? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhj xxx
bloody hell what a crap hossy u have ours is fantastic cant fault them at all never been tret bad in any of my pregs and mcs i think the treatment u have have had is diabolical! why the hell cant they just scan u for god sake :-/ hope all turns out ok for ya dani take it easy xx
If it helps hun I've been through the exact same thing over the last few days. We got no response and no help what so ever from the midwives, no one ever called me back. I got cramping with the brown stuff this morning so DH took me to A&E. It literally took 60 minutes, I was rushed through, given a scan which confirmed bubba, fluid, placenta etc all ok. Had a chat with a doctor who basically said they didn't know what was going on but they knew that the baby and all the right bits were healthy and on track, and sent home to rest. It was worth it for the peace of mind. Can you get off work with a 'headache' or 'stomach ache' or any excuse so you can get checked out?
I just wanted to say i'm so sorry your having such an awful experiance and I do hope things improve for you real soon . At least you have the scan tommorrow I hope that's a positive experiance for you, good luck and I really hope things are ok for you both xx
Hey Dani, I only just read this. Have you spoken to your midwife, the one that did your booking in appointment? I know you didn't like her but she might be able to help?

I hope you get it sorted soon and everything is ok.
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God Hun this is bad!! Commented on your older thread, not sure if you saw it?? Where are you under? If its not Narberth then could u not try them? They have all been so fantastic so far, I really hope it's not them that your dealing with, if you want the Narberth midwife contact numbers please message me!!! thinking of u lovely xx

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