Dad At 13yrs! Pg 4 link 2 parents to triplets at 17!

Sandie said:
It says that he spends most of his time at her house & regularly stays over.... :shock:
sorry if my oppinion offends anyone but...

its as much the bloody parents fault for being so irrisponsble, theres no way i was allowed boys staying over at my house when i was 18 let alone 15, and theres no way on this earth i will be letting my daughter have boys stay over at that age either.
purplepants said:
Sandie said:
It says that he spends most of his time at her house & regularly stays over.... :shock:
sorry if my oppinion offends anyone but...

its as much the bloody parents fault for being so irrisponsble, theres no way i was allowed boys staying over at my house when i was 18 let alone 15, and theres no way on this earth i will be letting my daughter have boys stay over at that age either.

Well, they've done it now, and I doubt they'll be getting up to much anymore, well, except night feeds of course :lol:

I suppose the flipside is, teenagers who want to have sex are going to have it in or out of the house.What their parents allow them to do doesn't really come into it. Some parents take the view that they'd rather it was in a safe environment.

Though 12/13 is far too young... if he was staying over before she was pregnant ofc. Now the damage is done
my fb status - Kayleigh is prayin that in 10yrs time Jamie doesnt come home to tell her that hes got a girl knocked up...Cue World War 3 in this situation!!!

flabbergasted at the whole thing :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
This story just reinforces my intentions of giving my kid(s) the birds and bees talk early and often.
i have heard .....not sure if its true or not.....that the boys, sister also had a baby at 13. when it happens twice in one family it must come down to parenting.

when i was 15 i was going put with older boys not children who had just started secondary school.

my oldest is 11 and tbh he is great with adam but def would not have any idea about having sex etc and i certainly wouldn't let him stay overnight at a girls house in 1 years time unless the girl was the same age as him and it was a birthday party type sleepover and even then i would check with the parents that they would be supervised,

at the end of the day its down to us to teach the children to be responsible, and if they are gonna have sex (coz lets be honest if they want to, they will regardless) then to be careful.
I just can't understand why their parents allowed them to sleep over at eachothers houses, I wasn't allowed to have my boyfriends sleep over, even after i had already had a baby!

Kids experiment with sex and its up to the parents to make sure that they are safe, i mean you can't physically stop them unless you never let them out of your sight, they will have sex anywhere won't they, not just at night time in a cosy bed!!!

I think that every parent needs to have the sex talk with their child from and early age to prevent this happening.

At 15 she knew exactly what she was doing.

yeah a new baby is lovely but how are they gonna cope when this kid is their age and they are still in their twenties!!
He looks the same age as my 8 year old son :shock: Now that makes me feel ill! Comparing the two!
I do find it heartbreaking! :( I also cant understand why the 15 year old girl slept with such a young lad? My sister is her age and wouldn't dream of even speaking to a boy in Year 8!! :o :lol:
Kids dont just need to be taught that having sex means babies! They need to whole picture and I think that is something that is lacking these days! I got pregnant at 16 and would not have it any other way but I will try and make my daughters see that there is another way kwim? I wont be encouraging them to have babies at 16/17 lol but Im no hypocrite either!
12/13 is far too young and scare the crap out of me! My eldest is nearly 10! Not so far off 12/13!!
They might be parents biologically but it will be years before they are parents emotionally. At their age they just don't have the maturity to cope with what being a parent entails. The grandparents will take the baby on and if they can't cope then social services will take matters into their own hands.

Another child dragged up and not brought up :roll:
I think it is horrible!

But I also read, that it is possible that he even isnt a father of that child. Apparantly (sp?) a girl was having quite a few boys staying overnight in her room (Mother aloowed it!!! :shock: ).

I think he will need a DNA test really......
What do you think the reaction would be if it was a 15 year old boy sleeping with a 13 year old girl who looked 10 years old.

The world would be in uproar and the lad would be getting accused of all sorts
Are the police prosecuting? They are both under age, whether the sex was consentual or not.

He should be out playing on his bike with his mates and on his x-box.

Sorry if this sounds blunt - but it's down to the B***dy parents. Kids learn right and wrong from their Mum and Dad.

I'm feeling (and probably sounding) like a right snob, but the parents should be held accountable for this.
The parents should be prosecuted for allowing them to sleep together and have underage sex! :shakehead: completely irresponsible and shamefull :talkhand:
My boys asked how he was a dad at 13.

I told them because he had sex, there jaws hit the floor. I think ive put them off it for life
Now they are talking about teenage pregnancy rate's on the news. It is a problem, obviously :|
this was on another forum and it really kicked off!! teenage mums Vs people with honest opinions!!

yes this one lad sets a bad example, but it doesnt mean to say all teenage mums are bad!! Well Untill you meet this lt.. ... 224410.ece

Knowing the job centre, he wont be allowed to sit on his arse for long, thank god, CHAVs spring to mind, and not the nice type who want to make an efffort like we have on here! :lol:

I think if we all had our way we would love our OHs to always be home with us, but they cant cause they are out wrking and paying to put food on our tables so why shoudl these 2 be any different!!
As sad as it is they are set for life. Once she leaves school she will jump straight to the top of their council list and if he moves in she will be classed as his carer so get child benefit for him as well as the baby - shocking!! I only help they prove people wrong and set a good example for the poor wee thing and break the benefit cycle (both sets of grandparents do not work) but really don't think it will happen because there is no incentive for them :(
I'm 20 (I will be 21 when the baby is born) and both me on my OH scrape (yes, scrape) by on benefits.................... We don't live in a council house though, my OH's father is letting us live at a property of his rent free until we get ourselves sorted (you know, jobs are hard to come by, with 100 people applying for the same job you are :() when we'll go in to private renting again........

I dread to think what you think of me, a baby on the way too :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I think if we all had our way we would love our OHs to always be home with us, but they cant cause they are out wrking and paying to put food on our tables so why shoudl these 2 be any different!!

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