

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
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Hi girls,

I'm so sad to be here but was advised today that our little baby has no heartbeat and that I have some internal bleeding. The doc has said we have had no growth over the past week and I'm measuring 5wks when I'm 8+3 so essentially I'll miscarry.

Due to going abroad next week I will be having a D&C on Monday coming - has anyone had one before/know the process/can reassure me? I'm petrified xx
Hi hun sorry for your loss. I never had a planned erpc but I did have an emergency one. The procedure is fairly straightforward and physically painless. To me I seem to be put asleep one min then in recovery the next. I was in no physical pain after at all. My recovery took longer than normal because I had an infection before surgery.
Try not to worry too much the emotional side for me was much worse.
Hi, sorry you have to go through this. The op is pretty straight forward and surprisingly quick. I had discomfort and bleeding, heavy but not scary amounts at all. The bleeding got lighter and lighter and was only slight for me after a few days. It's upsetting but physically I was quickly on the mend (except hormones but I was unlucky). Just have to take it easy and any real pain phone or visit doc or hospital just incase of infection.

Hope all goes well and questions feel free to get on touch xxx
Thank you girls. The only reason I'm having D&C is because I fly on the 15th and the nurse said it wasn't recommended if I was waiting for it to happen. I'm distraught but glad that it's being done quickly so that I can have a few days to bleed before the hol. I wasn't sure how bad the bleeding might be you see x
Really sorry for your loss! I had a natural mc so no advice apart from take care of you and your oh! Xxx
Very sorry for your loss. I had a d&c last year and it was fine, 1 day in hospital, I didn't have too much bleeding after, like a period for about 5 days, didn't get much pain and if I did it was gone after taking paracetemol. Hormones were bad afterwards. Emotionally I was a bit of a mess, but took some time of work to look after me and heal. Big hugs to you xx
Hi Lynne, I'm really sorry to hear you have lost your baby bean, I have had 2 MMC's and 2 D&C's - prior to the first I had never been in hospital so I was nervous about the General Anaesthetic however the procedure was fine, I had no pain or cramps and only very light spotting for about a week. Physically everything was straightforward, emotionally it was tough, but you do get through it and time is a great healer. hugs and take care of yourself xx
Don't know your type of holiday but careful about any swimming as not advised for a while after. But otherwise the holiday will do you good, I went away two weeks after and it was nice to get away from everything and everyone and spend time with oh xxx
Thank you Elliot. It is abroad but I will be careful. If I'm still bleeding I doubt I'll be in the water anyhow :-( xx
Yeah tampons a no no so does limit things like that anyway really. Focus on lovely food, drink and relaxing x
Really sorry for your loss. I hope your trip abroad gives you time to relax and recover.
So sorry to hear this, its so hard facing this op. Physically like the others have said its not too bad. I've had 4mc and 3 D&Cs. The only one that was a problem was the last one but this was because I was on blood thinners.

Its weird but I remember clearly feeling after the first mc totally guilty for taking an "easy" way out and almost wanted to be in more physical pain to make it more in tune with how I felt emotionally. My second mc I had a natural one and it was horrible and painful, but strangely this emotionally helped me reconcile the event in my head. The feelings you get after mc are so self punishing. Best advice I can give you is to go easy on yourself iykwim?

I am so so sorry to read about your loss Lynne. :( I've had one d&c, I too found out at a scan that I had lost my angel. I found the process extremely hard to deal with emotionally. Physically I was well looked after and put to sleep through out the procedure. I'll be thinking of you. Xxx
I'm so sorry to hear this Lynne, I had a d&c in Sept last year, I bled for a day or two then stopped then started again a few days later but was pretty light. Had no physically pain, like the other ladies have said its more emotional. Also, I got AF just over 3 weeks later.
Take care of yourself and will be thinking of you xx
Can I ask a personal question? Have any of you girls fallen pregnant gain after mmc or d&c? I'm so nervous about tomorrow that I'm making myself sick. I hate the thought of being under and waking up with the knowledge my baby is no more. I think what's making it worse is the fact I still feel prey - roasting hot, sore boobs, tired and hungry all the time :-(. It's rubbish. Why after three weeks has my body not accepted the fact our baby has passed? :-( x
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Hi Lynne, I know exactly how you feel, I felt physically sick when I was waiting for the D&C, but once I got to the hospital on the day my adrenalin kicked in and got me through it despite me feeling sad, angry, disappointed. It is very tough and so all the emotions and thoughts put your mind into overdrive. The only thing I can say is that with time it gets easier, the heartache is there but you learn to deal with it and when you feel ready you will want to try again. The majority of women go on to have a successful pregnancy so try not to worry. I kept my hubby in the hospital with me at all times (except for the surgery part) this gave me great strength & support as I felt he was the only person who really understood the loss as he was going through it too. Take care, sending you a big hug x
Thank you very much clementine, I'm just so nervous about the general anaesthetic part. I think if I can get over that tomorrow then the next thing is trying again - such a kick in the teeth to be trying for two years and for this to happen..x
Hi hun im currently 12 weeks after my mmc /d&c in september last year. I have my scan tomorrow dut im fairly sure all is ok its so different this time.
Fingers crossed for today for you all goed smooth. Thinking of you x
You poor thing, I'm so sorry. My baby stopped growing at 8+4 but I didn't start bleeding until 11+2 - that was when we found out something was wrong. We'd seen hb at 6 weeks and everything. Thinking of you hun, look after yourself xx
Best wishes today Lynne.

Hopefully a little break will do you the world of good and put some distance between you and all this sadness.


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