
Hi girls just to say thank you for all the well wishes. I'm in recovery now and feeling fine except a little cramping and tiny amount of bleeding.

I appreciate all of your support over the last few days and I'm sure the coming months xx
Best of luck to you Lynne, enjoy your holiday. It will do you a world of good xx
I haven't yet but know others that have. One is all going well in tri 2 at the min. There are lots similar. I know it's scary though but at this point there is nothing to suggest you won't get pregnant again.

I also was still getting symptoms and felt pregnant, it does make it tough and a bigger shock. If you have any concerns speak to docs and nurses tomorrow, they were great with me and everyone seems to also say the support is good xxx
Lynne, I am so sorry that you are in this situation. I know how heartbreaking it is. I became pregnant for the first time last July and discovered at 10 weeks that the baby had no heartbeat and was measuring at around 5 weeks, It did take a few more days for my body to accept it but I did not have a D&C so am unable to advise you with this aspect. I waited to have one period after the mc as advised by the consultant (for me that was around 4 weeks later although everyone is different of course) and then we decided to try again, we fell pregnant that first month of trying and now I am 35 weeks pregnant. I know it feels terrible right now but please don't ever give up hope, you will have your happy ending x
Thank you Becky - I'm really grateful you wrote. I'm just so petrified it won't happen again x
Hi Lynne, miscarriage is so cruel particularly a MMC when you are oblivious until the scan. I had a MMC in March 2012 and an ERPC in April 2012 and was utterly heartbroken - we had been TTC for about 10 months. At the time, everyone said 'well at least you know you can get pregnant' etc. which wasn't any comfort at the time. It took another 12 months before we conceived again and it was a really difficult time. Our son was born in December 2013 and is now 6 months old - there is absolutely no reason why you won't go on to have a happy and healthy pregnancy (although you'll probably be worried throughout!).

I started seeing an acupuncturist about 3 months before I conceived as there is supposed to be a link with fertility - whether it was just coincidence I can't say but it did make me feel much more relaxed. Maybe worth a try? xxx
I certainly will give it a try purpleslurple, thank you for the advice! X
Lynne I've only just seen this. I'm so sorry for your loss. How are you now?
Hi Violet, thank you for asking. I'm doing ok, upset at the moment but managing to get by as I'm keeping myself busy. The procedure itself was far less scary than I imagined and Ive had little to no bleeding (hoping that's not a bad sign).

I'm just praying we will be able to conceive again. How are you? Xx
oh ffs im so sad to read this!!! only just seen.... i know how you feel though after my first mmc i tryed again an it took a year and then lost that one again, not saying that will happen to you just try your hardest not to get too focused into trying again i found it consumed me and i literally had a mental breakdown it was all i could think about , so go easy on yourself and get as much support as you can look into counselling aswell if you need it , its just so cruel when youve been trying that long as theres the worry with your ferility aswell. you really never know though you could find yourself fall preg really easy now. i really am sorry i was so hoping this would work out as i have followed and chatted to you on here xxxxx be strong luvly just do anything you feel like at the mo and dont be hard on yourself
I had d and c after first MMC. The nurses were amazing with me and I will never forget how caring the anaesthetic nurse was when they put me to sleep.
Initially I had a drug to dilate my cervix which I actually felt I needed as I wasn't gonna give birth to my baby I still felt I had some kind of experience (sorry if that sounds stupid) and it wasn't really painful as such.
I had bleeding after and a few clots but it wasn't majorly heavy.
It was over in an afternoon and I was more emotionally upset after.
I got pregnant a 2 months after my d and c. X
Hope it all goes ok and I'm so sorry for your loss. X
Thank you her I appreciate your comments I'm totally gutted but hoping to try again. Its so hard not to let it totally consume you but we will try! Just taking folic acid daily and keeping our fingers crossed!! Xx
Selina thank you I too had to take the little pill first it was horrible but it's all over now...done my first pregnancy test since Monday and it's starting to fade :-( xx
its sad to see it fade:( when my test went negative i ovulated a few days later ... unfortunatly missed it. so i really hope you manage to catch first go xxx keep my fingers crossed for u
I was glad when it was over, I was devastated by it all but physically I wanted to be normal again, not- in not pregnant but pregnant limbo land! X

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