Cyst on Ovary......


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Anyone else got a Cyst on there ovary?
I was told when i went for my scan there is a cyst on my right ovary, and i have had quite bad pain in my rite side since aug - havnt had pain for a while (few weeks)
they said it was large, but that was it. no info just said wait until 20 week scan to see if its got bigger. im really worried now.
My friend has one. She's 31 weeks preg now. Since 20 weeks she has one scan per month to monitor the cyst and that's all that's different x
but they dont give u any info.
to say to me 1st pregnancy, u have a large cyst...
and leave it as that.
quite upset.
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She was the same. First pregnancy as well. They aren't normally overly concerned with them which is probs why they were lax on info. Not helpful of them I know. Mention it to your midwife when you next see her or give her a ring x
Everyone has a cyst on the ovary they ovulated from in early pregnancy. It's the corpus luteum and sustains the pregnancy until the placenta takes over. It's usually gone by the 12 week scan which is why not everyone sees it x
Just realised I have no idea how many weeks you are as I'm on my phone but it's likely that it's nothing to worry about and will go away on its own. Mine was 3cm at my 6 week scan x
At my scan yesterday the sonographer said I had a cyst on my right ovary too and said it was the corpus luteum. She did measure at and make a note of it too, but told me its nothing to worry about as it is because it's doing something for the baby.

She also told me my right ovary was polycystic too, but obviously didn't cause any problems will me ovulating from my right ovary if that's the one that released the egg for my bfp. Xx
12 weeks i am.
She said it was large, what ever that means. and the will check the size at 20 weeks.
but she said baby was ok. thats the main thing.
I have 4 cysts, greedy lol, and I'm not bothered about them at all tbh. They pose no direct danger to my boy and every woman gets them at least once in her life time, it's just whether she knows about them or not. If it was going to be a problem hunny they would have told you. Try not to worry xxxxxxxx
i had an early scan on monday, and the sonographer and a nurse said i had a large cyst (doctor later denied this).

i have to go back for another scan in 10 days, but the nurse said that it would just burst on its own and dissolve into my abdominal cavity or something. apart from pain, it would cause no harm to my baby. so im not too worried.

try not to worry about it hun
When I was leaving the scanning room and the sonographer gave me one of the photos she'd printed off to take home she nearly gave me the one of the cyst :lol:
iv got large a cyst since before gettin pg n nothin been said
even when i asked if it could be the reason foR pain in side they
didnt care

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