

Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Hiya all, Ignore my ticker i need to change it my little girl Ellie is 4 weeks old and i have noticed that the last 2 days she is wanting to feed a lot more often and if i am not holding her she will just cry and scream until i pick her back up its stopping me from doing anything!
She did get into a routine of feeding every 4 hours approx. 4/5 oz.I just dont know what to do?
Anyone got any sugesstions as to what may be causing this or anyone experienced anything similar?
Thanks in advance Grace xx
Sounds like a growth spurt hunny, dont worry it will settle.

Your baby is still only very young, she justs wants her mummy :D I know its hard when you have so much to do, but is it really that important? and can someone else do it for you?

They only stay little for a short time, just enjoy your cuddles with your newborn and forget everything else if you can :D
Thanks i did think a growth spurt was an option. Yea i have got help its just hard when i feel like i'm doing nothing all day. And people think i have post antal depression and they tell me to go and see a doctor but i dont want to as i feel that i am letting my baby down and dont really want to go on tablets to make me feel better.
Got to go Ellies crying (again!!) Thanks for replying Grace xx
:hug: Awww hunny it does get easier I promise, your little one is getting to know you and starting to trust that youll be there for her when she cries. It has only taken me until Olivia was 5 nearly 6 weeks old to leave her in her car seat for more than an hour.

I know how you feel about doing things, I felt the same way to.
When the growth spurt is over she will settle again and you will be able to get on a do things, its only for a short while, relax and sit back while everyone helps and dont feel bad, you have the hard job not them.

Being a mum is the hardset job you could ever have :hug:

Your not a failer for having PND ( if you have ) and you certainly wouldnt be if you went on tablets, we all need a boost in one way or another and some need help more than others, I was very lucky I only had the baby blues for a week or so, and as soon as I spoke to people about how I felt on here and plucked up the courage to talk to my partner, I felt a whole lot better.

Maybe if you dont want to talk to a doc how about sharing your feeling with those you trust and see if that helps?
Someones elses perspective is always helpfull, two heads are better than one :D

Thank you so much :hug: your words have helped me alot and made me see that this is just a phase which will be over soon. I have got my post natal appointment with my doctor next week so if i still feel how i do at the moment i will talk to her about it and see what she suggests.
Thanks once again you have truly helped me Grace xx
awww Grace I must admit Im not missing the early weeks well except for the cuddles becaus enow hes up and wanting to nose at everything, I have a little man who is an awfull attention seeker he is such a mummies boy and during the dya im a sucker for it, when he was relly young i was getting toi the point where for 9 days i hadnt put him down not once i was going to bed the same time as him to get sleep id done no washing no ckeaning and not eaten anything substantial ian was away my mum was away and my day worked away i was in bit i didnt know what to do, one day i thought no you little imp your gouing down in your swing and stayuing there so i can do the hoovering he screamed and scraemed and screamed i tidied and it broke my heart i switched on helga (my old vacum who yesterday broke spluttered and died god rest her soul) and that was it, silence no crying he watched me with the hoover and then out of nowhere fell asleep, it was amazing after a while every time i put it on hed fall asleep now hes wise to it and doesnt but hes almost five months old so hey ho.
Hi Grace, 4 weeks a a typical growth spurt time. If you can I recommend you read the book The Happiest Baby On The Block. Its very american but it explains how babies are born early and need a 4th trimester. Basically it gives lots of calming techniques that make baby feel safe like he was in the womb including swaddling, swinging, sucking, rocking, whitenoise. I was actually lent the book and video when Leorah was nearly 3 months so was no good for me but I could see how useful it would have been. Maybe your HV will be able to lend you it, I think they have access to stuff like this or someone could get it from the library. You may even be able to see some techniques online as I think there is a wesite.

The first few months are tough but like Tasha, six weeks was a turning point for me when I finally started to understand my LO a bit better. Its also at this time if you repeat stuff babies start to understand the signs eg I started putting Leorah in her snowsuit and into her pram for naps, after just a few days as soon as I would start to put her in her snowsuit she'd start to fall asleep and still does usually.

Why don't you try wearing baby in a sling? It is the most fantastic thing ever invented and while you have such a young baby you can still get loads done. Even now Leorah is nearly 4 months she still spends plenty of time in the sling especially when she's being clingy and smiles when i get it out. Carried babies are supposed to grow up secure and independant. I hope you have come through the growth spurt by now and your LO is more settled again :hug:
thanks for your replies i will have a look on the internet for that website. last night she went to sleep at 9 woke at 3 for a bottle then slept til 8 which was good! only thing is after her 3am feed she takes ages to settle any suggestions as to how i could settle her quicker or do i just have to go with her?

i think she may also be a little ill as she is being sick alot very unusual for Ellie she isn't a sicky baby and i think she is also constipated.

Sorry for all the questions but you really help Thanks again Gracexx
could it be colic? try infacol, did wonders for my little one. also ive just changed my milk from sma gold to cow and gate comfort as my little was constipated and very unsettled to! speak to your health visitor first if u do want to change tho!

im just getting past a really hard few weeks, jacks been so unsettled and i do think it was the milk making him like that! its taken me 12 weeks of trying loads of bottles, teats infacol, gripe water and ive finally cracked it! dont worry things do get better, used to hate ppl saying this to me!

i suffered quite badly with baby blues, to the point where i thought i had pnd. one thing that really helped me was to fill in a baby record book, there was space to write a letter for baby and i wrote down all the things i was looking forward to and things i love about him and this was a real turning point for me! its so easy to forget why your changing nappies and not sleeping all night, you just need to remember its so worth it...u have a beautiful baby!!
thanks filling in the baby record book sounds like an excellent idea i shall try that!
Its so hard all she wants to do is be cuddled and if i put her down she screams! i just keep telling myself things will get better! :)
oh i forgot i did try infacol but it seemed to upset her even more all she did after she had it was cry and scream and bring her legs right up like she had wind even worse
i tryed bigger teats with jack and that almost totally got rid of his wind! my hv said that if the milk doesnt come out fast enough they have to suck harder which makes them suck in more air to, also they get frustrated which makes them cry even more! just an idea? sorry if you dont think it will help! its really hard to give advice cos noone can tell why there crying when there like that! Everyone used to tell me jack was just a demanding baby but i refused to believe it and thank god i found the problem and got my happy baby back! the best advice i can give is just cuddle cuddle cuddle and ask for someone to help you out so u can get some sleep!! IT WILL GET BETTER!! i no me sayin it doesnt really help you very much but just keep sayin to your self! wont be long till your saying the same think to another mum on here like me!!
I totally understand what you say when other people say that your baby is just demanding attention people say that about Ellie 'oh shes just doing it because you give into her all the time' ok maybe sometimes i do but i can't stand to see her cry.

But other times i know when there is actually something worng or she is in some kind of pain, people tell me just to walk away and leave her i feel like shouting saying no shes my baby i will do what i want and bring her up how i want to.

I have recently brought bigger teats which do seem better for her, at the mo i'm taking your advice and just cuddling her when she wants it calms her down so much.

I do think that it might be a growth spurt as people have suggested as she is feeding alot more regularly during the day.

I did have a thought that she maybe getting herself into her own routine by feeding more in the day so she sleeps through or only wakes up once in the night maybe? Anybody think that this could be a possibility?

Thanks for all your replies Gracexx
growth spurts are a nightmare! she could be getting in a routine, keep your fingers crossed!

i no what u mean about knowing when your LO is in pain, people used to make me feel guilty for picking him up as soon as he cried but turns out i was right cos now hes on cow and gate comfort hes soo much happier and has turned out to be very contented so must have just had constant belly ache poor little man! go with your instincts! your her mum, you no best! ive had to be quite rude to a few members of my family who tell me to leave him to cry!

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