Crushed lungs


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Is anyone else getting this? Going to mention it to the gp next week as it's actually quite frightening. I keep getting the sensation of my lungs getting crushed and my heart starts racing. It happens mostly when I lay on my left and causes me to sit up in a bit of a panic, I have a pulled muscle or something this morning cos I sat up too quick, I have to catch my breath and my heart really sort of booms if that makes sense. Albert's laying on the right side of my womb so I don't know if gravity is dragging him over to the left. I'm finding myself with less and less ways to sleep lol and it's doing my head in xxxxxxxx
I had this at 33 weeks as had polyhydramnios (excess fluid) which was pushing up on my lungs & tummy. I couldnt keep food down & I was really breathless. It felt like I was having a heart attack at times! My heart was racing & pounding. It was quite scary & uncomfortable but the doctors said it was normal in pregnancy & to be expected with the huge amounts of fluid I was carrying. But then baby dropped slightly, and the relief was amazing!! Baby has dropped considerably since then, & the polyhydramnios has cleared up - & I feel like I can breathe normally again. So maybe once your baby drops you will feel better. I think it's pretty normal but it may be worthwhile mentioning to the doctors if you're concerned xxx
I have had it hun then baby dropped then last night I had it again. He dropped again over night a little so eased slightly but still struggling with how I sit. x
I get palpitations and shortness of breath too. It's not nice but like the others I only get it when baby is high up
I've had that it was horrible made me feel like i was 90 !!!! only stopped around a week ago (I'm 38+5) but my bump has dropped alot which has really made a difference midwife said Friday he was well engaged and 3 people commented yesterday that my bump was hang in there it should improve :)

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