creeping in... hoping I stay!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
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after over 3 years of TTC :wall2:an early mc and failed IVF i have just got my BFP!! naturally!:dance:

I am over the moon and so scared my bubble will burst... I want to just be excited and enjoy very minute but heartbreak and a mc makes me a bit anxious.

I did another test today and my line is darker and almost the same as control line which i have never had, plus morning sickness is really kicking in already so hoping these are all good signs :)

I really hope i am in here for the long run and get to know some of you ladies going through the same scary but amazing experience :)

going on my last menstrual period day i am due on the 30th May 2016.

This is how the doctors will calculate it isn't it?

Lou x
Huge congratulations!

I hope this bean is extra, extra sticky for you :)

They usually take it from first day of LMP.
Congratulations! I wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months xx

And yes, the midwives will date you from 1st day of LMP until your scan, when they'll give you a more accurate date based on measurements x
Nice to see your first post in here Lou!

This bubba is here to stay for sure so hope you have a good time in tri 1! I'm just on my way out to tri 2 but will be checking in ;)

Will you be starting a pregnancy journal hun? X
Congratulations loubalouba. Sounds like this is a sticky one for you :-) xx
Thank you ladies xx

I hope it's super sticky!! �� I had not thought of a pregnancy journal but yes I will �� xx
congratulations hun. hope your bean is extra sticky. heres to a happy and healthy pregnancy. xx

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