

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
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Argh my head is so messed up!

I started bleeding at 5+3, scanned at 6weeks and it was suspected ectopic. My hcg levels were rising by 50-60% but i miscarried thursday last week, even took the 'tissue' into the hospital and it was confirmed by doctors that it was the baby.

I didnt have any pain until the day i actually miscarried and stopped bleeding on monday. Today i had quite a lot of pain, i would describe it as uncomfortable pain whenever i go to the toilet -sorry tmi and when i sit down. I also started bleeding again today.

I am so confused, i called epau and the doctor said to go in tomorrow so she can check me over and do more hcg tests.

Now my mind is crazy, i'm thinkin what if i was pregnant with twins and only lost one. But that wouldnt make sense as my hcg levels did drop after my mc. I know im being irrational but cant help it and for some reason im hopeful :s xxx
Hi Lou

I felt exactly the same after my last miscarriage. For ten days I was convinced there was a second baby inside me. That hope was actually quite healing. I drank and ate as if I were still pregnant. I think deep down I knew the probability was low, but it was my reality for 10 days - looking back, I think it was my way of coping. That said there are many cases where women miscarry and a twin survives.

When I had my check up scan my uterus was almost back to normal although my hcg levels were still raised slightly.

The hospital are very good at seeing you quickly. When I started bleeding on a saturday, although I could speak to the oncall midwife, the soonest anyone could see my in epu was the Thursday. Each day was very long until it all ended on the Wednesday and I had to be rushed through A and E. Then because I had not been scanned I had to be treated with having a 'pregnancy of unknown location'???

Let me know how you get on hun. I have been thinking of
Thank you :) makes me feel less deluded!
I think i'll call and cancel going in, i feel i'm wasting their time, i know im being irrational xxx
I wouldn't cancel- going in might help answer your questions etc, you wouldn't be wasting their time.

Before I went in for the ERPC I convinced myself that the woman who did the scan had got it wrong and that there was still a heartbeat... panicked that the ERPC was actually killing my baby. I think it is natural to have some trouble getting your head around things, but like AJay said, there have been cases where the twin thing has been true, so double checking won't hurt.

Hope you're alright xxx
Hey Lou - I hope you have not missed your appointment. Double checking is always good xxx
No i didnt go :/
I was embarressed as i think the pain was to do with a dodgy stomach, the pain has gone now but bleedings a bit heavier. This happened with my mmc where i thought everything had passed and stopped bleeding, started bleeding again a few days later and more 'product' came out so i'm not too concerned.

Sorry for not updating sooner, hope you're both ok xxx
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Glad you are ok. The good thing is how quickly and willingly the hospital are to see you when you phone Any more pain though and you should pop along to be checked out. Are they scanning you again to check everything is back to normal. The hospital wanted me to have a negative pregnancy test before they could discharge me. AF came, so a test wasn't necessary. The 10 day post mc scan showed that my lining was almost back to normal but I did have a few pools of fluid in my uterus. They said that these could be shed as further bleeding (as I had completed the main mc bleed at this point) or would be cleared with my period. The latter happened for me, but as you say this bleed you are having, may well be retained fluid and tissue and if that is the case, healthy and normal. As I say above, any pain or discomfort needs to be seen to ensure you are ok - particularly with the ectopic.

Thinking of you xxx
Theyre not rescanning, i dont think they think its necessary because the saw the main part, i've had a few clots and stopped bleeding again now. Plus my hcg had dropped just 24 hours after id passed the 'main part' so i dont think there'll be any issues.

Thank you for replying, sorry about the delays, i'm trying to cut down on my visits lol xxx
Glad the bleeding had stopped again.
Take care of yourself xxx

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