crazy dreams!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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anyone else having crazy dreams at the mo. the past few nights i have had lots of mad ones i can never normal remember my dreams but these have been really clear. xx
ME, me, me :lol:

They're verging on psychotic :rofl:
lol glad its not just me then was getting worried there for a sec x
I have crazy dreams when not pregnant! Now they're really having me question my mental state! Lol x I also talk in my sleep and this has stepped right up too! x
Yep ive had some crazy dreams. Ive been previewed to some free blockbuster movies. They have been that good, although some a little scarey and ive been glad to wake up! x
Oh gosh, I had the weirdest dream the other night, where I gave birth in the local swimming pool and had to pull the baby back by the cord, because it kept swimming off and I couldn't keep up!! Lol, what on earth?!?!
Lol, I too have had the weirdest dreams, my OH loves it when we wake up in the mornin and I tell him about them when im still half asleep, he thinks its cute :S

Yeah, me to - when I do get some sleep I am having really vivid dreams with people in who I haven't seen for years which is a weird feeling when I wake up.
lol so glad its not just me. mine all seem to be about fighting. xx
I've had some weird ones too! At least 4 about giving birth (and it was really easy in the dreams lol!!), and also lots about water - I've been wading through a lake, swimming my way to florida, and laying on a lilo in a OAP's swimming pool.
I've told my OH not to be surprised if I end up wetting the bed cos I always wake up desperate for a wee after those dreams!
Ive only had one really odd dream, though I have started talking in my sleep, and worse still, I have started TYPING in my sleep! I dont mean air typing.. Nope, I usually end up falling asleep with the laptop next to the bed because ive been working, and according to babys daddy, I just reach an arm over and start typing gibberish on it! I need a life Lol
I had a weird one last night.... I dreamed the baby was pushing really hard against my skin and I could see the full shape of him through a really thin layer of skin, and even saw that he had really fine blonde hair!! odd!!. Have also had dreams about giving birth to kittens too

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