Cravings & Sex Of Baby


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Just wondered if anybody had any opinions on this one, with my son I craved pineapple and liquorice. This time its any kind of sweets, chocolate and cheese ??

I think it must be a girl.. :dance:

What cravings have you got, and is there any truth in the old wives tale savory foods = boys & sweet foods = girls

At the start of my pregnancy I couldn't even look at a chocolate bar let alone crave one and I'm having a girl :dance: :dance:
With my girls I craved cheese and crisps all the way through but I complety went off meat. Couldn't even stand the smell. With Nathan I didn't really go off anything but I craved sweets really badly. Any would do but mainly Jelly babies! I had a good idea he was a boy cos everything was different.
With my little boy the thing i craved through pregnancy was fruit.
Pregnant with my first. I don't know if they are cravings or not but early on all I wanted to eat was fruits and cereal, now it's anything edible :oops: but I'm having a little boy so perhaps the more savoury stuff does warrant some 'boy' truth? Who knows but I've certinally never craved sweet things like chocolate or candy etc.
i craved satsumas with nathan. the sourest greenest ones i could find :puke: i used to eat a couple of bags a day :shock:
i'm having a little girl and hav craved sweet things throughout (but i had a fondness for sweet things anyway lol)
kellie80 said:
With my girls I craved cheese and crisps all the way through but I complety went off meat. Couldn't even stand the smell. With Nathan I didn't really go off anything but I craved sweets really badly. Any would do but mainly Jelly babies! I had a good idea he was a boy cos everything was different.

Fingers crossed a girl would be nice :D
But so long as its ok
Vickyleigh said:
At the start of my pregnancy I couldn't even look at a chocolate bar let alone crave one and I'm having a girl :dance: :dance:

i was the same and was eating crisps or anything cheese related was also off coffee. but i can now have the odd coffee and am eating sweets choc etc :)

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