Crappy Week


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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I woke up to some bleeding on Tuesday morning which worried the hell out of me. Called the EPU as it was red this time (had it 2 weeks ago too but was more like a brown discharge that time), and they told me to see how it was after 2 hours and ring them back.

After about an hour it had stopped so my OH called them and told them and said that I was very worried and they arranged another scan for 11.30am tomorrow.

I've more or less spent since Tuesday in bed just resting and the bleeding has come and gone, but only when I wipe. It's now a brownish colour so I'm not quite as worried. They did say 2 weeks ago at 6+2 that I have a small sub-chrionic haemorrage which is likely to cause some bleeding which should eventually be re-absorbed into my body.

Wish us luck for tomorrow. I just want to know everything is ok! :?
It sounds good so far hun.. keep resting and best of luck on your appointment.. xxxx :hug:
Best of luck at your appointment tomorrow.

I am sure everything will be fine. I had discharge and bleeding at 7 & 8 weeks and went to my EPU. I suffered slight brown discharge until around 11 weeks and have been fine since.

Let us know how you get on. xxx
I'll be sending good vibes for you tomorrow...

I am sure everything will be fine...

good luck for tommorrow hun, let us know how u get on (beg for a piccy)
Thanks everyone. I will let you know how I get on. I'm so worried this morning there won't be a heartbeat or something though :(
good luck and try not to worry it is very common,let us know how u get on xx :hug:
We're back and everything is fine. Baby is now 16.8mm (was 5.5mm 2 weeks and 2 days ago). She said that the subchorionic haemorrhage could not be seen so I'm pleased about that. I don't necessarily need to worry about the bleeding unless it turns to bright red again.

We saw the heartbeat and all looked good. It resembles a baby more now, although OH could see it better than I could :)
Glad to hear it went well. I'm sure you feel much better now that you've seen the baby's heartbeat. :hug:

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