Cranial osteopath


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I'm considering taking Tilly to a cranial osteopath. I've read they can help babies who have experienced a traumatic birth with forceps/etc. They are supposed to be able to assist with feeding problems/irritability/sleeping problems.

I don't really know much about them other than they manipulate the babies skull somehow to remove the stresses that have occurred during childbirth.

Has anyone else used one?
I did. I took Jasper as we had a vontouse delivery and he didnt seem to like lying on his back so i was really worried about his head.

I was very picky about who i saw, chose a woman who trains other osteopaths in babies. Apparently she opened up his back a bit that was one sided and she corrected his misaligned jaw, but after 5 sessions at £40 each I couldnt really see any difference in him so i called it a day, but hopefully she did help him and didnt just sit holding him which is what it looked like.
I'm going to try this too! Will be interesting to see what other people say xx
Oo I've just booked an appointment with a baby osteopath for 2 weeks time. Isaac has reflux & also sleeps really badly on his back so hoping it might help. Couldn't get an appointment for 2 weeks tho. Be good to hear how others get on.
Not meaning to jump in but for LO's that dont like to lie on there. Back have u tried tummy lying? Issac only sleeps on his tummy x
Mia was ventouse delivery, and we had no problems at all, apart from a tender bruse on her head (which was kinda towards the front) so i steered clear they are quite pricey too.

my friend took her son to one but saw no difference.

hope this helps hun. xx
Jack was a forceps baby and was pretty battered down the left side of his face but he's the most contented little boy ever! He also sleeps in all sorts of different positions :)

Hope it works for your LO if you do decide to make an appointment x
Isaac was born by emergency c section & I read somewhere that c section babies are more prone to reflux as they haven't straightened out properly in the birth canal. Might be a load of rubbish & I don't think it's a cure but might help with symptoms so I'm willing to give it a try. If a couple of sessions don't help tho I'm giving up as it's bloody expensive!
Not meaning to jump in but for LO's that dont like to lie on there. Back have u tried tummy lying? Issac only sleeps on his tummy x

I often sleep with him on his tummy on my chest! Not ideal but gotta do what you can sometimes! I asked the doc about sleeping him on his front as seemed better than risking him choking from the reflux on his back but the doc said no way should I do that so scared me a bit :-s
Issac has slept on his tummy since about 1month old, his daddy was atummy sleeper and it helped with his colic too. It was and still is the only way he will sleep. Try him in the moses baskset through the day whilst u can sit and watch him. If his head control is okay my mil told me they will always turn there head

Issac usedto sleep so he looked face down but he always had his head tilted for his nose and mouth z
Issac has slept on his tummy since about 1month old, his daddy was atummy sleeper and it helped with his colic too. It was and still is the only way he will sleep. Try him in the moses baskset through the day whilst u can sit and watch him. If his head control is okay my mil told me they will always turn there head

Issac usedto sleep so he looked face down but he always had his head tilted for his nose and mouth z

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