Cramps 2 weeks after mc


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2012
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Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone else had experienced this? I had my mc 2 weeks' ago and the bleeding stopped after 8 days. I have had some slight yellow/ brown discharge (sorry if tmi) on and off since, but it stopped on Monday. Since then, have been ok, except I have had period type cramps today, only milder than normal. Isn't it a bit early for AF yet? I have sore boobs too x xx
Sorry, meant to add we are desperate to start TTC again so hoping this is a sign AF is on her way but really not sure x
I have a couple of cheapies lying around so will do one. Thanks hun x x
I would test Hun then at least you know if it is left over hormones. Let us know how you get on xx

P.S I have never wanted AF to arrive as much as I do ATM! Same as you we would like to TTC ASAP. We are NTNP right now though xx

Well, HPT was negative. Happy that my hormones seem to have settled. Cramps gone too, so assuming it was just everything getting back to normal. Can't wait for AF either. Just hoping she makes her appearance sooner rather than later so we can start TTC. I had ovulation pain the other day and EWCM so hoping my body is settling back into a normal routine. Af is heavy at the best of times, so not sure what to expect x x
Hey :)
With my first mc - it was a missed mc, when everything 'came out' - 2 weeks later i ovulated, do u usually get cramps around ov time? Then 2 weeks after that, my period arrived. Obviously depends on your cycle but might be a bit late to do an ov test now xxx
Hey Lou :-)

To cut a long story short, I have PCOS, lost three stone, started getting ov pain from Feb this year onwards about 2-2 and a half weeks before AF. Hoping that was what it was last week - felt like it anyway. It's been nearly 3 weeks since the mc ( I think I read somewhere you count CD1 as the day everything came away - is that right?) I had been spotting before and started a period type bleed the day before mc, so I am a bit confused where I am counting from! Hope you're doing ok x x
Yeah thats what i did hun, more came away a few days after with that mc but still got my period. For me it was 11th feb mc and period 10th march (mother's day -_-)

HOWEVER lol my mc in june i was only 6+5 when everything came away (26th june) and got my period 22nd august (my first bfn was 21st aug) so dont know what happened there :/

Have you got your bfn now? Xxx
Sorry just saw you got bfn, hopefully you're af will come soon :)

Have you dtd or waiting until you're first af? Xxx

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