

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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I have been getting these since last night, they have continued through today. It's in my lower abdomen and lower back, it's like a burning sensation and fairly rhythmic :eh: I know cramps are normal but it's concerning me a bit now cos of how long it's been going on. No blood or spotting though - I've been constantly checking :roll: I've been trying to keep calm but its worrying me now that something will go wrong with this one too :-( cramps aren't crippling but are fairly strong :-( x
I've had some mild cramps occasionally which I believe is normal although most of mine feel like bowel cramps (sorry tmi!). Could it be that hun? You've had no spotting or bleeding which is a good sign I'm sure it's just little one settling in x
I have ibs so I was wondering if it was that flaring up but that doesn't explain my back. It's eased slightly in the past couple mins but I can't help worrying as I had painful cramps (but worse than this) when I miscarried las time :-(
It is a really worrying time I keep looking for signs that I had last time too. I keep telling myself that every pregnancy is different. I hope that it settles completely now that it's starting to ease. Have a restful evening if you can x
I have been cramps too on and off. It's everything stretching also I have lots of wind he he
sorry to hear you are you're worried hunny! i had cramps last saturday night, i made myself go to sleep and they went away! i know its difficult but until there is lots of blood try not to panic. let us know how you are getting on as i'll be thinking about you this evening xxxxxxxx
Thanks girls. It seems to have gone for now and still no blood so just hoping that it was pea having a growth spurt :eh: but it was really quite sore all in my lower abdomen and back. Touch wood all is ok :) xx
Pos I wonder of the have a 5+5wk growth spurt? :oooo:
Oh, just sent you a PM, didn't see you had replied on here!

well, yeah, last Saturday i was the same point as you!!! it just came out of nowhere and then settled down again like yours!

you think once the ttc is out of the way it gets easy - it gets bloody harder!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx
Just saw this now...sorry hun...i was out all day.

i hope everything is ok hun...i'm with the girls tho...unless theres blood, try not to panic...

:hugs: :friends:
Hey hope you're feeling better, try as best you can to relax! I've been having cramps on and off all week and every now and then my belly feels like it's getting really hot! I'm sure it's just everything stretching and growing! But it is such a worrying time!!!! Xx
Yeah they seem to have completely gone now. I'm relaxing with my feet up and am about to go to bed for a long sleep :) there is still no bleeding so I'm happier now. I've got my laptop on my belly so the heat from that is nice on it lol xx
Just reading this now... and sounds as if everything is fine. I'm like you, I worry at every twinge and niggle - but all we can do is try and stay as relaxed as possible - easier said then done though isn't it!!
Glad they've gone :) I had the same with both boys for a few days at the start x
Y'know.. I actually have cramps before I found out I was pregnant, I must have been about 5 weeks pregnant then though.

And as some of you know I made a thread about period-like ache when I was around 6 weeks pregnant.
I personally think it's just baba settling in :)
Hope it stays away for you hun. I too am in a habit of checking my knickers a lot xxx
Hope ur still feeling ok today hun!
Hi :wave:
Yep everything seems to be fine today. The pains didn't come back and all is good so far this morning, still no spotting etc. I hope it doesnt come back, it was scary :-(. Thanks girlies :love:

About to go out on a leisurely walk in the sunshine :dog:
Glad your feeling better. Pain comes and goes through pregnancy, its probably just your tummy getting used to your growing baby. Its going through alot of changes just now!

Glad u r feeling better hun! Ur a day ahead of me and I have had cramps today mostly in lower back so must just be our bodies adapting. Hope u enjoyed ur walk!
MrsMC - loving your babys "name" McBabba :)

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