
Hi, just more reassurance - I also had period style cramps for a couple of weeks after BFP :)

thanks....i just keep telling myself, if it was anything bad there would be more pain and lots of blood....i can start to relax a bit more on saturday....cos then it will be cd30 and the longest cycle i have ever had is until i am passed d day, still feel a little nervous...but lines on tests are very dark and clear blue digi even confirmed it last momday!! which was 4 days before af fingers crossed xx
Naw not old at all. I'm 30 in august, 6 weeks before baby should be due. Looks like it'll be a sober one :lol:

My nan had her last baby at 48! :shock: x
had cramps again through night and some mild ones today....hang on little bean........period would have been due today or tomorrow......saturday cant come quick enough....

hope everyone else okay xx
I did get a few cramps about 5 weeks i took it just to be stretching x
yeah...i think thats what it only about 4 weeks though.....i think it may be xx
Maybe it is!!! You did get your BFP very early..... (how much have I just freaked you out?!?)

PS I am 35 this month!! x x
Im old Im this is my 2nd had Joshua at 34. I have had AF style cramps all the time and back pain. Its a bugger! Oh and thanks for the laugh about farts.....miss the banter from TTC - understandably most if us tense and terrified in tri 1 so Im pleased so see some lightness and a giggle!
:wave: can also report a day of cramping!! Walking seems to start it off, been out twice today with the dog and have been crampy. Good excuse to sit on my arse :lol:
Tracy have u joined girly room? If u are looking for the best craic/banter then that's the place for it :-) x
hello...yes yorksmummy i got my bfp very early...ha ha.....but i do ovulate early, so i was about 11dpo when i first got a line.......but i was only about 3 weeks and 1 day. ha ha.....but i'm 4 weeks and 1 day now and line is very dark :) so there may be 2 in there....ha ha.....god i hope not...or do i hope....who

cramping has settled down a bit,...still there now and again but nowhere near as much...going to the loo seems to set it off and walking yeah...

i am officially past my af due day now too :) xxx
Hooray Samsgirl. I have odd cramps and sore boobs too. Sometimes I don't notice anything then I sneeze and am like 'whooooooooooooooah'.
Hooray Samsgirl. I have odd cramps and sore boobs too. Sometimes I don't notice anything then I sneeze and am like 'whooooooooooooooah'.

lol...yes i know that one....i have had a bad cough and a cough and implantation do not mix...!!! xx
definitely am noticing something, not quite like af crams, more like a tugging sensation, the worst thing I have at the moment is almost constant heartburn. Does anyone on here know of what us pregnant ladies are safe to take for it?

Have to say felt more pregnant in months with BFNs. I was convinced I was seeing things until test 7 of 12dpo that was the one that convinced me.
EmmaBee with my last pregnancy I had horrific heartburn and took Gaviscon, it says on the label it's safe for pregnant women.

Samsgirl - so any twins in your family?! Ha ha (my positive was about 11 dpo too)
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EmmaBee with my last pregnancy I had horrific heartburn and took Gaviscon, it says on the label it's safe for pregnant women.

Samsgirl - so any twins in your family?! Ha ha

oh mum has twin sisters and my mum's gran was a xx
Wow!! well you'll find out at the 12 week scan then........ Maybe 2 cute outfits will be needed for the wedding. x

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