Cramp.....Is this Normal!!!???!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Hi Ladies, I've been getting vague sort of cramp really low down, just above my pubic bone and sometimes it feels even a wee bit lower. Not sure if this is normal or not....its a very vague feeling and not really painful. Has anyone else had this or know what it could be? Im going to doctor tomorrow anyway and will mention it. xxx
I'm not sure what it is, just wanted to let you know I've been having it as well... so hopefully it's normal! I have a doctors appointment tomrrow as well, so I will ask. :)
Could be just stretching ligaments, or I thought maybe a UTI....let me know how you get on tomorrow!!! :)
I've had it too, and I assumed it was more ligament stretching...
this week about 3 times ive had some damn achy pains down below. Almost like they are connected to my bum! like sharp pains. Ive put it down to constipation and a stretching pelvis!
Hope Im right - had nothing today though!
I've had this too in the last few weeks, thought my baby was engaging. Turns out she's not so I'm assuming its just more stretching x

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It's so difficult to know what all the different aches and pains are!! Could be so many different things!! Mine almost felt like mild menstrual cramp, and that freaked me out a bit...bit early for baby to be making her way out!!! Seems to have eased off a bit now thank goodness....
Iv had it too... Comes and goes... My midwife says this can later turn into Braxton hicks and is most likely stretching xx

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