cradle cap / dry skin

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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leland has really bad dry skin on his face, which i was told two things , its was either just dry skin or blocked sweet ducts so have been doing the advice for both ( towel cleaning to open the pores an covering him in olive oil)

well altho it is getting better it seem to have spread to his hair like cradle cap , and cradle cap shampoo and olive just arent shifting it !!!!!

any other ideas???

im feed up of having a lil grease monkey :rotfl:
Hmmm :think:

For the cradle cap on his head use the olive oil and let it soak in and when its soft get a baby brush and brush backwards and it will come off as long as its soft - I did it this weekwnd with my ds (shaved his hair off and found loads of it! :shock: ) and it came off really well.

DD had really dry skin on her body and olive didnt work. I use that johnsons camomile gel and dont bath her every night.

Facial wise for stephen i used vaseline! not the nicest stuff but it sure did help with the dry skin, shea butter is very good too.
For cradle cap i did the same as mrs_tommo with the brush and for the dry skin..i found mia reacted with johnsons products as do i :roll: lol

so i tried the simple renge and her skin is lovely and soft now...

also what i learnt at baby massage is not to just let it 'soak in'

the skin has 32?? layers and to get it smooth you need it to go deep down...massage it in well...i saw a big difference in me me's after doing this :hug:
i tried everything for cradle cap and thing that has finally worked is a small blob of head and shoulders massaged in then brush through with a headlice comb after and it all comes out, after 4 washes it had all gone.

I just used vaseline with Paris. Harrison has loads of dry skint at the moment but nothings shifting it and I've tried all of the above :wall:
Harrison never got cradle cap but my MW advised me that if he did to mix some oil in with his bath water and bathe him in that because soaps make the skin dryer.
his always bathed in oil not shampoo anyway as i used that johnsons top to toe stuff and it made him look like a snake it dried his skin out sooo much !

his head looks so red n sore :cry:

brought some boots almond oil cream yesterday , gonna try that aswell
oh I hated the dry skin/cradle cap/spot thing. Lasted for ages with my LO - sorry to tell you that! :) I tried a few things because she had cradle cap on her face that spread to her scalp (sounds weird :) but the best thing was when I left her face to settle down without creams and her skin kind of 'healed' itself and then used a little bepanthen on her cheeks. Took around 6 weeks to clear up properly.
thats sounds like whats happened , he did have cradle cap when he was bout 2 weeks old but it went after one lot of olive oil .

now this time his face has been bad since 4 weeks old , on his cheeks , then its gone to his nose and eyebrows and now his head. but its just it looks so red , and feels so hot , his been crying since 6 am ( althl awake since his 4 am feed) and im sure its cos of this . his temp is 37.2 so i dont think thats high for it to be that .

did bepanthen work ? i might get some of that!
Gem...ask your HV to prescribe some Cetraben for the dry skin... Evie had a bit on her legs and face and my HV gave me a prescription and it totally cleared up within a couple of days... really good stuff (i've been using it too!)
I think the Bepanthen did work but I am not sure if it was also the timing because I used it after waiting a few weeks. Does he have flakey skin round his ears, and yellow 'scabby' bits on his eyebrows?
Aqueous cream is pretty good. Its really cheap too. The HV advised me to get some when Beth had dry skin. And its not all shiney and greasey either. :)
We used espa pink hair and scalp mud for DD's cradle cap we tried a few things but this was the only thing that worked for us :)
newmum said:
I think the Bepanthen did work but I am not sure if it was also the timing because I used it after waiting a few weeks. Does he have flakey skin round his ears, and yellow 'scabby' bits on his eyebrows?

yeh he did ! he had yellow eyebrows and peeling ears , cheeks and nose ! plus flakey scalp !

his still got it but ive found a wonder cream ! its called avent magic cream and it cleared up his cheeks and eyebrows , his still a lil flakey and dry but not sore thank god !

all my hv kept saying was olive oil :roll:
My LO had that too. Exactly the same. DIdn't know about that cream :( apparently it is cradle cap on the skin rather than the scalp. strange! :)
Have you tried Boots Aqueous cream - My friend swears by it to clear up her baby's cradle cap and it's also improved Finn's dry chest/tummy after only two applications. It;'s water based so not greasy.
my little girl Nadene has really dry flakey scalp, no matter how many creams/oils I use on her scalp it doesn't help at all

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