
Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
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Like a heavier period?

I got a faint line on a frer 2 days ago, and same day some brown discharge spotting. It was 9 dpo so dismissedas IB.

Then yesterday, the lines on a frer are no darker. Did one first thing and one in the late afternoon. All as faint as eachother. The brown discharge continued all day. Then last night bit of red in it too. Some dripped in loo too. So no longer what you’d call spotting I dont think. Still not heavy. I only had an IC to test today (dpo 11) and theres barely a smudge. See attached. Hubby been out in snow today to get another test (could only get clearblue), so currently holding me pee to test at 11. I guess what worries me most is the lines arent getting darker. I know some bleedig is OK. Its mostly “dirty” brown which is a good sign - but then some red last night. Back to brown again today.

Also - do i need to see a doc? I might be having one now. Had a MC at 8/9weeks last June. Now this, im 42 and been TTC 3.5yrs.

Would this count as my 2nd loss if this did turn put to be a CP


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I was told at 6 months TTC it's always a good idea to see the doctor. They can't do much other than make suggestions and do routine bloods. But GPs are able to refer you to a specialist who will do more in-depth examinations and tests to rule out problems.

So, yes. If this turns out to be another CP (crossing fingers it doesn't) you should go to see your GP. Wishing you lots of luck xxx
I was told at 6 months TTC it's always a good idea to see the doctor. They can't do much other than make suggestions and do routine bloods. But GPs are able to refer you to a specialist who will do more in-depth examinations and tests to rule out problems.

So, yes. If this turns out to be another CP (crossing fingers it doesn't) you should go to see your GP. Wishing you lots of luck xxx

I saw a GP when we had been trying 2yrs but we were sent away - as i was 40 and had one child. I kicked off and got some bloods tested. Im ovulating ok apparently, or I was 2yrs ago.

Will keep everything crosses - thank u xxxxxxxx
I would call them. They can't really do anything as it's too early for anything to be seen on a scan but it's a good idea to have it on their records I think.

Hopefully the bleeding/discharge is nothing though xx
Saw your other post and I'm really sorry hun. Agree with Millie it would be a good thing to have the record of it on file just incase xx.
Saw your other post and I'm really sorry hun. Agree with Millie it would be a good thing to have the record of it on file just incase xx.

A stronger line on a “lesser” test (clearblue) so i dont know. Still not 100% sure either way - Guessing the bleeding is still not good - more in line with my period (heaviness and colourwise)...

What do i do if i start getting stronger lines? That must be a good thing. You hear some ladies bleed throughout... im a realist so know its not good sign - but i refuse to give in completely while tests still show a line.
Hi Melanie, really sorry you’re going through this right now. With my second chemical pregnancy I was still getting lines for the first few days that I bled, the bleed was a bit longer and heavier than my usual period and the lines had pretty much vanished by the end. They didn’t get stronger during that time though so if yours are maybe something else is going on. If they keep getting stronger then definitely go get checked out.

The drs were rubbish with me, despite being over 35 and having been TTC for over 6 months with two cps they refused to do any tests, they said the 6 month thing was just a guideline and they weren’t required to follow it. But I have read other posts on here where other ladies have had much better experiences so I think it really does depend on your gp in your area. There doesn’t seem to be a standard response.

It sounds very confusing and hard what you’re going through, whatever the outcome is I really wish you all the best xx
Hi Melanie, really sorry you’re going through this right now. With my second chemical pregnancy I was still getting lines for the first few days that I bled, the bleed was a bit longer and heavier than my usual period and the lines had pretty much vanished by the end. They didn’t get stronger during that time though so if yours are maybe something else is going on. If they keep getting stronger then definitely go get checked out.

The drs were rubbish with me, despite being over 35 and having been TTC for over 6 months with two cps they refused to do any tests, they said the 6 month thing was just a guideline and they weren’t required to follow it. But I have read other posts on here where other ladies have had much better experiences so I think it really does depend on your gp in your area. There doesn’t seem to be a standard response.

It sounds very confusing and hard what you’re going through, whatever the outcome is I really wish you all the best xx

Well they didn't seem any darker, then today (at 12 DPO) - definitely darker. The bleeding is on n off... still not what you'd call even a period - it's not as light as spotting, but not what I would imagine as anything "passing" and not even as full-on as a period. So we'll see...

Thanks for sharing your experience, really appreciate it, I'm sure it's painful to think about and talk about - so I am so grateful x
Its not my imagination is it ?

Id expect it to be significantly darker (wed PM to this AM) - but darker is darker...



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No the line for today definitely looks stronger and from your one on 1st March there is a clear progression that you’d expect in 48 hours. I definitely didn’t have anything like that. Maybe try and see your gp on Monday and ask them for a blood test of your hcg levels? Fingers crossed for you that all turns out ok and the bleeding is due to something else xx
No the line for today definitely looks stronger and from your one on 1st March there is a clear progression that you’d expect in 48 hours. I definitely didn’t have anything like that. Maybe try and see your gp on Monday and ask them for a blood test of your hcg levels? Fingers crossed for you that all turns out ok and the bleeding is due to something else xx

Thanks hunni, appreciate you sharing your experience... got everything crossed... hoping for a stronger line each day... xx
I'm just starting to think about a plan of action (having never had a CP before - if this is potentially what this is)...

1) the lines continue to darken, maybe slowly (which is fine) - but if they darken tomorrow or Monday - then that's a good sign. But if the bleeding continues, should I go see a doctor ? Could I have an infection or something ? Or can simply do nothing ?

2) if the lines continue to darken, but the bleeding stops - should I make sure everything is OK, or wait til my first midwife appt at 6-7 weeks when booking in occurs, and simply mention it then ?

3) the lines start to fade/completely disappear - the bleeding will eventually stop.. my body will reset, ready for next cycle. So no need to see a doctor. Will mention at my next appointment.

You can probably tell I'm a planner, like to know all the scenarios.... so I can plan/prepare...


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