Covered in Rash... can someone help??? *pic


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Hey everyone.
Theo came out in a rash on his cheeks and behind his left ear 3days go. i put it down to a dribble rash (as he dribbles alot). 3days later is has spread all over his cheeks, under his chin, on his arms, all over his chest, tops of his legs, and in the top crease of his leg....

it does not seem to be bothering him. i have done the glass test and i pretty sure it disapears.. if i can see anything then i am looking very very hard!

does anyone have any idea what it might be? does it look like an allergic reaction, heat rash? something more sinister? any idea???? awww its so worrying not knowing

sorry pic is not very clear at all , but it is a very bumpy red rash and its everywhere. and accasionaly there are bigger blobs (as you can see it pic)
This looks identical to Maia's rash that she had this week. She was quite ill last weekend and then on Monday she was back to her normal self but then she came out in a rash. I wasn't overly worried, I did a glass test and she was well within herself. Tuesday it was much worse so I took her to see the Dr who said it was a reaction to a virus that she must have had and that it wasn't anything to worry about. The rash had gone completely by Thursday. It did flare up worse when she was hot.

Has Theo been ill at all in the last few days?
It doesn't look like anything serious hun. Probably just a reaction to something. Have you changed anything in his diet or your washing powder etc?

If your worried I would take him to your GP but it will probably clear up.

Kim x x x x
aww thank you for replying so quickly. i am sure that it is nothing to worry about, but its nice to have others advice and opinions. he had a bath tonight and it did seem to get worse afterwards, he is also a very hot and sweaty baby. but has not been ill or unwell at all. he is his usual cheery slelf
if it has not cleared up by monday do you take i should take him to the doctors.?
the only things he has had different is
- blueberries
and Nelsons Teetha

tinkerbell* said:
the only things he has had different is
- blueberries
and Nelsons Teetha


Could be...........

Kim x x x x x
It could be a viral rash. Evie gets them quite a lot..usually at the start or end of a cough/cold. When it flares up on Evie it will usually be worse after a bath or when she gets warm. Does he have a temp at all? If he has a temp then I would head for the docs just to be on the safe side. Evie never gets a temp with a viral rash.

And as the other have said it could also be an allergic reaction to some change in either his environment or diet. So perhaps cut out the blueberries and Nelson's Teetha just to make sure it isn't either of them.

If you're in doubt at all go and see the doctor. Hope he feels better soon

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It could be slap cheek (the disease, I'm not suggesting he was slapped!) To be honest, if you want to know what it is you should get a medical opinion from a doctor rather than asking here. And given that you said you are worried then you really should call a doctor.
I know I'm an adult but it looks like an alergic reaction rash I recently had. I had it all over my body and in some places the red areas got so big that they looked like countries on the map of the world. Does he seem itchy?

thanks Alex. he does not seem to be bothered by it at all. i have stopped giving him blueberries and cut out the teetha.
last time he had a rash all over him i put the hemp body butter on him and it cleared up, so ive been putting that on him and dunno if it is that, or what it is but it seems to be doing the job, he still has slight rough and bumpy patches on him, but its not red anymore.
kalia said:
To be honest, if you want to know what it is you should get a medical opinion from a doctor rather than asking here.
I said that i "though" it was nothing to worry about, and seeing as it was at the weekend, i thought that i would ask you girlies... as i have found a lot of the time you ladies are more insiteful then the doctor!!!

thaqnk you for your replies
Good old heat rash if you ask me, morgan gets it all the time. :D Doesnt look sinister to me. :hug:

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