pin prick like rash ?

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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is this just another rash babies get ? weve been outside most of the day but when we got home i found leland has a pin prick rash all over his arms and hands , and its also slightly on his legs and bum and cheeks looks red too . he also seems to have caught the sun on his head :oops: where the helmet isnt . so is this a heat rash ? it looks like his been stabbed with a pin thousnads of times ! he did have a slight temp of 37.4 but thats down now and he seems find in himself and has eaten all his dinner , he does keep outburst with cried tho and his asleep

i hate rash's , how do u know when to get them checked out !
It might be heat rash. Emms had a pinprick type rash which the GP said was excema which probably was brought on by putting child suncream on her. Did you use suncream - maybe he had a reaction to it?

If it carries on for a couple of days and seems to bother LO, I'd get it checked out by GP. :hug: :hug:
connor kept getting heat rash when it was really hot the other week - just like you described, it was lots of tiny red dots...

poor leland, hope he's better today :hug: :hug: :hug:
leland has excema but this isnt the same rash

its worse on his legs today , i cant understand it being heat rash , i mean we where outside and most of the time it was grey and raining :rotfl: his heat rash seems to come out blotchy when it appears ?

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