Couple of questions!


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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Brody turns 6 months on Friday and has been having pureed fruit and veg and the odd jar of food since he was 4 months.

I was just wondering do you think it's ok to start giving him finger foods now, for example, rice cakes with dairylea and bits of cucumber, fruit etc?

Also, could anyone give me any ideas of more finger foods I could try?

One last thing, I bought some porridge and Hipp-a-bisks (I thinks that's what they are called! - like weetabix) and it says to mix with babies usual milk. Am I right in thinking from 6 months I can mix these with whole cows milk?

Thanks in advance ladies! :hug:
Go for it with the finger foods, its great fun.
Evie has been having a mixture of finger foods and purees since she was 5 and a half months. Rice cakes are a good starter cause they just turn into mush, then the world is your oyster! Basically whatever I'm mushing up I leave a few bits solid for Evie to have as finger food - potato, broccoli, carrot, pasta, pear, banana are a few of her favs.
To begin with most of it will be on the floor and over his face but I love to watch her excitement and concentration in feeding herself.

Not sure about the cows milk, I'm still using breast milk if I want to mix a bit of liquid in or boiled water.
i think you can use cows milk in cooking in small quantities but prob not added to cereals on it's own :D
Yes, Brody can have finger foods!! It's the best funny!!! Get the camera ready for plenty of mucky face pics!!! :D

I still used formula on Arianna's cereals until she got to a little before 1yr and then I used whole cows milk. The cows milk is fine tho for cooking, ie sauces etc.
Thanks I'm gonna give it a go! :cheer:

I'm going to start trying to express some milk off every morning for his breakfast. I've struggled to express much in the past but as it's only a little bit I need to mix in I should manage ok!

Thanks everyone! :hug:
I use cows milk in Jake's cereal and he has 3 bottles of formula to drink throughout the day aswell. It is ok to use cows milk so long as Brody doesn't start taking less breast feeds because of this. If he does it is probably best to use breastmilk so that he is getting enough.
Gemma & Jake said:
I use cows milk in Jake's cereal and he has 3 bottles of formula to drink throughout the day aswell. It is ok to use cows milk so long as Brody doesn't start taking less breast feeds because of this. If he does it is probably best to use breastmilk so that he is getting enough.

Ahh I see! Well I'm sure Brody is getting enough because he hasnt dropped any feeds yet and he's having 3 meals a day too! Still waking loads in the night still too! :wall:

But I'm gonna try to express some anyway I'll use the cows milk as a last resort!

Thanks! :hug:

Oh and thanks everyone for the finger food ideas! :D
By the way finger foods you can try are Organix carrot puffs(like big wotsits), rice cakes, toast with cheese or lightly spread marmite, bread, banana, cucumber, lightly cooked veg, rusks(not too often because they are sugary) or pasta. I thought the carrot puffs were great to start with as they melt in the mouth and you can usually buy them in the baby food ailse.
Gemma & Jake said:
I thought the carrot puffs were great to start with as they melt in the mouth and you can usually buy them in the baby food ailse.
Ruby LOVES the organix carrots puffs, they are great for them to suck and chew on, and they dont turn her too orange like a wotsit would!! Have you tried the tangy tomato noughts and crosses ones? She loves them too :lol:

I always have a bag of puffs in my handbag for emergencies!!!
I saw those organix carrot puffs and the tomato thingies yesterday I'll have to go get some today! :cheer:

Thanks for the ideas! :hug:

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