Could you feel when your baby was engaged as i cant?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2007
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My midwife said my baby's head was engaged and she asked if i could feel pressure down there......but i cant feel a thing!
It feels no different at all and i cant feel any pressure or anything heavier :( Do you think the midwife has got it wrong im 38 weeks +3 should it be engaged by now and baby moves around all the time so if her head was actually engaged would she be able to move around so much? Would i definetly be able to feel if her head was engaged or not and what does it feel like? Thankyou :hug: :hug:
how far engaged did she say u were? at my last MW appt she said LO had engaged and she could feel 4/5of his head.

to be honest i dont feel any different at all, all i can think of is that im aware of ALWAYS being kicked in the ribs now, its never anywhere else.

that probably doesnt help,sorry

She didnt really say she just said it was engaged and then just sort of said she could feel the shoulders and a tiny bit of the head :doh:
Although last time it wasnt engaged at all and the time before that apparently she was fully engaged :wall: :wall:
When tally dropped down the first time i could feel it, but now she's doing it slowely i cant.

She was 3/5th engaged at my last appointment and i dont feel ay different
I've been feeling a lot of pressure for the last few days and the feeling that baby is bearing down. I had my 38 week antenatal today and was told that my baby is 2/5 engaged, which explains the pressure. Her head was free at my 36 week appointment, so yes, I have felt the engagement, but I can't recall noticing it happen when I was PG with my son.
I can feel the pressure on my lady bits, Lo pushes/grinds down and sometimes it makes me jump and hurts.
At far as the rest of my belly goes I can't tell the difference. I haven't had a definate drop in my bump or anything and baby is still pretty high up :D .
last week I was told my baby is 2/5 engaged. I can feel a lot of pressure in my pelvis and needing the loo a lot. I don't know if the pelvisis because of my SPD though :?
Since mine's engaged, I've had a lot of pressure down below, causing groin pain in my right hand side - some days are good, some days I can barely walk! But this is my second baby, so maybe it's different? My midwife told me you don't usually get the groin pains with first babies.
I can feel a pressure between my legs. My midwife reckons I am 3/5 engaged.

I'm 4/5ths apparently and I must say, after having two who didn't engage until the very end, it does feel a lot different - lots of pressure and by the evening I'm usually getting quite a bit of pain and discomfort when standing. I think it is quite normal to be engaged at this stage.
I dont know if its because the babys head is engaged but my pubic bone feels like its bruised.
Especially when I have been sat in one position for to long.

I'm getting this, and at night the pressure is so great on my hips that I hurt quite a bit when I get out of bed in the morning!!! I'm also getting lots of pains in my legs and night, and cramp (which is horrible). I don't remember it being this bad with my previous two children.
cant really rem feelin it first pregnancy but i sure can this time, its pretty sore, getting big shooting pains when i walk down the street, they are so bad i go "ahh"! and people look at me horrified lol.. just feels like sthe baby is head butting me real low down..

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