So im at work - last day is friday, have been having loads of niggles for the last three weeks which include period type pains and sharp pains where I guess my cervix is, when I saw the midwife last week (36wk check) she said the head was fully engaged but not to worry as could go on for ages like this. Anyway had quite a few pains in bed last night, really really low and what felt like (again) where my cervix is, I just put it down to the way the baby was lying and managed to go to sleep - felt fine this morning. Went to the loo about an hour ago had a wee (sorry tmi) and about 5 mins after I felt a trickle of water - now this could have been wee but its not happened before, I didnt have any pads with me so popped out and brought some, while I was walking to shops etc I have got quite strong low period type pains which are coming and going - def feeling a bit funny but does this just sound like my body doing some preparation or are things starting to move?! Dont really want to call mw yet as dont think there is anything I can do apart from wait it out but just thought I would see what you girls think? If that was my waters could they just trickle like that?