Could I be pregnant again already?


Sep 10, 2014
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I had a miscarriage 6 weeks ago - I was 9 weeks pregnant. I had ultrasounds done throughout it, and the final one confirmed that there was no tissue or anything left in the uterus after the bleeding had stopped. The miscarriage started 7/25 and I went to the ER, and they said my hcg levels had already gone from 9 weeks to 5 weeks within a matter of hours. Well it's 6 weeks later and I haven't had a period since the bleeding stopped, but I've been feeling very tired and nauseous. I took a pregnancy test a couple days ago, and it was positive. I took a second one two days later, and it was still positive. Is there any chance there's just leftover hcg in my system that's giving me a false positive? Or am I for sure pregnant? I doubt that there'd still be any hcg in my system (especially since I was only 9 weeks when I miscarried, and my levels had dropped to 5 weeks in just one day)...but I also don't want to get too excited. Has anyone been through this before? Have any advice/opinions?
Hi, so sorry to hear of your loss. I also miscarried at 9 weeks so no how awful it is. I was told that if I still had a positive test after 3 weeks then I should go back because there could still be some 'products' left behind. I had a negative test after two weeks. It sounds like you could well be pregnant again but I don't want to get your hopes up. Perhaps book in to see your dr?
My Dr did ultrasounds up until the bleeding had stopped and there was nothing left inside the uterus... so I doubt there would be anything left over, but you never know. But I'm guessing that since you had a negative test after 2 weeks, there's no way I'd have a false positive after 6 weeks! I'm going in tomorrow for beta testing, so we shall see :)
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I had my blood drawn today so im hoping to find something out tomorrow! Oh and also, when I took the 3 pregnancy tests, the "positive" line was way darker than the "control" line, and I read that it means a very high level of HCG was detected...and considering that I couldn't be more than 4-5 weeks at most, a few people have said there's a possibility of maybe twins??
Can I ask.. Were you pregnant? Got my fingers crossed that you are x

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